Sound Pressure definition

Sound Pressure means the instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and the average or barometric pressure at a given location. The unit of measurement is the micro pascal (µPa);
Sound Pressure means the instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and the average or barometric pressure at a given point in space, as produced by sound energy.
Sound Pressure means an instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and the average or barometric pressure at a given point in space due to sound.

Examples of Sound Pressure in a sentence

  • The decibel (abbreviated as dB) scale reduces this ratio to a more manageable size by the use of logarithms.The symbols SPL, L or LP are commonly used to represent Sound Pressure Level.

  • The applicant may be required to provide Operating Sound Pressure Level measurements from a reasonable number of sampled locations at the perimeter of the battery energy storage system to demonstrate compliance with this standard.

  • The standard reference unit for Sound Pressure Levels expressed in decibels is 2 x 10-5 Pa.

  • At each of the slected locations, Sound Pressure Level (SPL) measurements were taken at an interval of 1 minute using a sound level meter of Lutron make Digital Sound Level Meter.

  • As with Sound Pressure Levels, Sound Power Levels are expressed in decibel units (dB or dBA), but may be identified by the symbols SWL or LW, or by the reference unit 10-12 W.The relationship between Sound Power and Sound Pressure is similar to the effect of an electric radiator, which is characterised by a power rating but has an effect on the surrounding environment that can be measured in terms of a different parameter, temperature.

More Definitions of Sound Pressure

Sound Pressure means the average rate at which sound energy is transmitted through a unit area in a specified direction. The pressure of the sound measured at a receiver.
Sound Pressure means the average rate at which sound energy is transmitted through a unit area in a specified direction.
Sound Pressure means the instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and
Sound Pressure level: "Sound pressure level," in decibels, means 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure to the reference pressure. The reference pressure shall be 20 micropascals.
Sound Pressure means the alternating component of the pressure at a point in a sound field.
Sound Pressure means the minute fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which accompany the passage of a sound wave.
Sound Pressure means the instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and the average or barometric pressure at a given point in space. (Ord. No. 12-04 Added 10-11-04-Effective Upon Passage)106-7 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT The noise control program established by this section shall be enforced and administered by the Chief of Police with the assistance of other Town departments as required. (Ord. No. 12-04 Added 10-11-04-Effective Upon Passage) 106-8 PROHIBITED NOISE A. Generally. It shall be unlawful for any person to create any unreasonably loud, disturbing and unnecessary noise. Noise of such character, intensity and duration as to be detrimental to the life or health of any person or unreasonably to disturb or annoy the quiet, comfort or repose of any person is hereby prohibited. B. Specific Acts as Noise Disturbances. The following acts are declared to be noise disturbances in violation of this Chapter, provided that the acts so specified shall not be deemed to be an exclusive enumeration of those acts which may constitute a noise disturbance under Section 106-8(A):