Examples of Roundtrip Efficiency in a sentence
The Actual Roundtrip Efficiency shall be calculated and recorded to determine the amount of energy the Project can deliver relative to the amount of Energy injected into the system during the preceding charge.
The Actual Roundtrip Efficiency of the Project for the billing Month shall be determined in accordance with the equation below from the recorded and measured data.
CAPACITY PAYMENT [SELLER TO SPECIFY $/KW-MONTH PRICE AND PROVIDE FORMULA FOR CALCULATING MONTHLY CAPACITY PAYMENT] APPENDIX 5 ENERGY PAYMENT The Monthly Energy Payment is equal to the sum of the Monthly VOM, the Monthly Pass-Through Charge, and the Guaranteed Roundtrip Efficiency Credit.
The Day-Ahead Schedule for Energy Storage Resources with ISO-Managed Energy Levels will reflect the Resource’s Energy Level constraints, including the Beginning Energy Level, the Upper and Lower Storage Limits, and the Resource’s Roundtrip Efficiency.
The BESSD shall also submit calculations of System Availability and Round-trip Efficiency in line with provisions of this Agreement, as part of the Monthly Bill/Supplementary Bill..
Consistent with the ISO Procedures, Bids from Suppliers for Energy Storage Resources supplying Energy and Ancillary Services may be required to specify the Beginning Energy Level and the Energy Storage Resource’s Roundtrip Efficiency, and must specify its Upper and Lower Storage Limits.
The BESSD shall also submit calculations of System Availability and Round-trip Efficiency in line with provisions of this Agreement, as part of the Monthly Bill/Supplementary Bill.
CAPACITY PAYMENT [SELLER TO SPECIFY $/KW-MONTH PRICE AND PROVIDE FORMULA FOR CALCULATING MONTHLY CAPACITY PAYMENT] APPENDIX 5 ENERGY PAYMENT The Monthly Energy Payment is equal to the sum of the Monthly VOM, the Monthly Scheduling Charges, the Monthly Pass-Through Charge, and the Guaranteed Roundtrip Efficiency Credit.
The Actual Roundtrip Efficiency of the Project shall be determined in accordance with the equation below from the recorded and measured data.
APPENDIX 5 ENERGY PAYMENT The Monthly Energy Payment is equal to the sum of the Monthly VOM, the Monthly Scheduling Charges, the Monthly Pass-Through Charge, and the Guaranteed Roundtrip Efficiency Credit.