ROW Intersection definition

ROW Intersection means the intersection of the NYSEG ROW and the National Grid ROW, which is on the NYSEG ROW approximately 4.2 miles north of the State Street Substation and also on the National Grid ROW approximately 10.3 miles west of the Elbridge Substation.

Examples of ROW Intersection in a sentence

  • Section 2 of the Proposed Line will run 10.3 miles from the ROW Intersection to the Elbridge Substation, parallel to the existing National Grid lines located in the existing National Grid ROW, and be located predominately within the NYSEG Acquired ROW.

  • National Grid will convey a portion of the National Grid ROW to NYSEG for the purposes of the Project (the NYSEG Acquired ROW).From the ROW Intersection to approximately Milepost 6.2, the Proposed Line would be located approximately 50 feet to the south of the centerline of the structures that hold existing Line 5 and existing Line 15.

  • The length of bused Line 5 will be approximately 10.3 miles.Two sections of existing Line 5 are proposed to be reconductored: the two spans where the line electrically connects to NYSEG Line 972 near the ROW Intersection, and also the first span outside of Elbridge substation.

  • The first section would be located in the NYSEG ROW which runs from the State Street Substation north a distance of approximately 4.2 miles to the ROW Intersection.

  • National Grid plans to bus together the existing National Grid Line 5 (existing Line 5) and the existing National Grid Line 15 (existing Line 15) in the section between approximately the ROW Intersection (MP 4.2) and the Elbridge substation (approximately MP 14.4) in the portion of the National Grid ROW that NYSEG will not acquire from National Grid (the National Grid Retained ROW).

  • From the ROW Intersection to the Elbridge substation, the Proposed Line would be supported with galvanized steel monopole structures containing galvanized steel davit arms and porcelain suspension insulators.9Based on preliminary design, the most common height of the steel monopole structures would be 80 feet for the NYSEG ROW and 90 feet for the National Grid ROW.

  • Presently, these are the southernmost structures from the ROW Intersection to approximately MP 10.3 on the existing National Grid ROW.

  • The tallest and shortest 9 From the ROW Intersection to Elbridge, the structures would be double circuit, phase over phase.

  • Single part or soft parted programmeA single part programme will always be played out from start point to end point without interruption.

  • The other section of the Proposed Line would run 10.3 miles from the ROW Intersection at MP 4.2 to the Elbridge substation at MP 14.5, parallel to the existing National Grid lines located in the existing National Grid ROW.

Related to ROW Intersection

  • Intersection means (i) the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral

  • PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. or "PJM" means the privately-

  • Corner lot means a lot situated at the intersection of and abutting upon two streets, or upon two parts of the same street, the adjacent sides of which street or streets (or, in the case of a curved corner, the tangents at the street extremities of the side lot lines) contain an angle of not more than one hundred and thirty-five (135) degrees. In the case of a curved corner, the corner of the building lot shall be that point on the street line nearest to the point of intersection of the said tangents.

  • Pipeline means any pipe, pipes, or pipelines used for the intrastate transportation or transmission of any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance, except water.

  • River means a flowing body of water or a portion or tributary of a flowing body of water, including streams, creeks, or impoundments and small lakes thereon.

  • Interconnector means a transmission line which crosses or spans a border between Member States for the purpose of connecting the national transmission system of those Member States or a transmission line between a Member State and a third country up to the territory of the Member States or the territorial sea of that Member State;

  • Very low-income household means a household with a total gross annual household income equal to 30 percent or less of the median household income.

  • Interconnect means to connect an alarm system including an automatic dialing device to a telephone line, either directly or through a mechanical device that utilizes a telephone, for the purpose of using the telephone line to transmit a message upon the activation of the alarm system.

  • Rock means the body of consolidated or partially consolidated material composed of minerals at or below the land surface. Rock includes bedrock and partially weathered rock that is hard and cannot be dug with hand tools. The upper boundary of rock is "saprolite," "soil," or the land surface.

  • Corner unless otherwise defined, means a property corner, or a property controlling corner, or a public land survey corner, or any combination of these.

  • Anchorage means the Municipality of Anchorage.

  • Lot, Corner means a lot abutting upon two (2) or more streets at their intersection.

  • Generation Owner means a Member that owns, leases with rights equivalent to ownership, or otherwise controls and operates one or more operating generation resources located in the PJM Region. The foregoing notwithstanding, for a planned generation resource to qualify a Member as a Generation Owner, such resource shall have cleared an RPM auction, and for Energy Resources, the resource shall have a FERC-jurisdictional interconnection agreement or wholesale market participation agreement within PJM. Purchasing all or a portion of the output of a generation resource shall not be sufficient to qualify a Member as a Generation Owner. For purposes of Members Committee sector classification, a Member that is primarily a retail end- user of electricity that owns generation may qualify as a Generation Owner if: (1) the generation resource is the subject of a FERC-jurisdictional interconnection agreement or wholesale market participation agreement within PJM; (2) the average physical unforced capacity owned by the Member and its affiliates over the five Planning Periods immediately preceding the relevant Planning Period exceeds the average PJM capacity obligation of the Member and its affiliates over the same time period; and (3) the average energy produced by the Member and its affiliates within PJM over the five Planning Periods immediately preceding the relevant Planning Period exceeds the average energy consumed by the Member and its affiliates within PJM over the same time period.

  • Pipelines has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • SC means the Special Conditions of Contract by which the GC may be amended or supplemented.

  • Very Low Income means 30 percent or less of the median gross

  • Through highway means every street or highway as provided in section 4511.65 of the Revised Code.

  • Graywater means untreated wastewater that has not been contaminated by any toilet discharge, has not been affected by infectious, contaminated, or unhealthy bodily wastes, and does not present a threat from contamination by unhealthful processing, manufacturing, or operating wastes. “Graywater” includes, but is not limited to, wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes washing machines, and laundry tubs, but does not include wastewater from kitchen sinks or dishwashers. Health and Safety Code Section 17922.12.

  • co-pilot means a pilot operating other than as pilot-in-command, on an aircraft for which more than one pilot is required, but excluding a pilot who is on board the aircraft for the sole purpose of receiving flight instruction for a licence or rating.

  • Extremely low-income household means a single person,

  • cogeneration means the simultaneous generation in one process of thermal energy and electrical or mechanical energy;

  • Edge of any water means the outer edge of the water's bankfull width or, where applicable, the outer edge of the associated channel migration zone.

  • mean high water springs or “MHWS” means the highest level which spring tides reach on average over a period of time;

  • Flowgate means a representative modeling of facilities or groups of facilities that may act as potential constraint points.

  • Departing General Partner means a former General Partner from and after the effective date of any withdrawal or removal of such former General Partner pursuant to Section 11.1 or Section 11.2.

  • Boundary means any lateral or street boundary of a site;