Examples of Russell Investments in a sentence
If you are a new investor, you must also complete the forms contained in the Client Account Manual, which is available from Russell Investments Fund Operations.Application Forms are generally processed each business day.
You may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in Russell Investments Funds.
The Fund is exposed to daily cash redemptions of redeemable units which Russell Investments manage by ensuring that, each underlying fund’s investment managers comply with investment management agreements which directs the amount of illiquid assets held in each fund.
Please contact Russell Investments Fund Operations for instructions on how to make additional investments.WithdrawingTo withdraw your Units you need to provide us with a written withdrawal request signed by authorised signatories.Exit prices for Units are determined in accordance with the Constitution based on the NAV divided by the number of Units on issue in the Fund, less any sell spread as referred to in section 6 of this PDS.
Building on an 85-year legacy of continuous innovation to deliver exceptional value to clients, Russell Investments offers investment solutions in 31 countries, managing over A$435 billion in assets (as of 30 June 2022).
Please contact Russell Investments Fund Operations for instructions on how to make additional investments.
Periodic monitoring is performed on the custodian by Russell Investments to ensure compliance with custodial agreements.
Periodic monitoring is performed on the external managers by Russell Investments to ensure compliance with investment management agreements.
Please contact Russell Investments Fund Operations for instructions on how to make additional investments.WithdrawingExit prices for Units are determined in accordance with the Constitution based on the NAV divided by the number of Units on issue in the Fund, less any sell spread as referred to in section 6, Fees and Costs, of this PDS.
Russell Investments specialises in multi-asset solutions, scouring the globe for investment strategies, managers and asset classes to deliver to its clients around the world.Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, Russell Investments has offices in 18 cities, including in New York, London, Tokyo and Shanghai.