Examples of S hare in a sentence
The Company may issue fractional Shares (rounded to the nearest one thousandth of a S hare).
The figures are calculated on a best efforts basis, are subject to revision and may vary materially from the actual costs and charges incurred by the S hare classes over the 12 month periods.
T he f ollowing is th e E quity S hare C apital Build-up of our Company: (1)These al lotments ar e par t of di fferent t ranches of al lotments m ade pur suant t o a Rights I ssue (approved v ide shareholder’s r esolution dat ed N ovember 20, 2014) of Equity Shar es (including r enunciations an d uns ubscribed portion allotments).
In ad dition, t he E quity S hares s hall al so b e s ubject t o s uch o ther co nditions as may be i ncorporated i n t he S hare Certificates, as per the SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009 notifications and other regulations for the issue of capital and listing o f securities la id d own from ti me to ti me b y the G overnment o f I ndia a nd/or o ther a uthorities a nd o ther documents that may be executed in respect of the Equity Shares.
The most significant downward revisionWorld Carryover Stocks of Cereals Crop year ending in: 2001Source: FAO S hare o f Wo rld Coarse G rain S tocks Held By M ajor Exporters34%34%35 %30 % 30% 28 %27%20%15 %1 9 8 6 - 9 5ave ra g e1 9 9 71 9 9 92 0 0 12 0 0 3fo re c a strelates to the United States, where the latest official report (USDA, September 12) puts this year’s coarse grain output at 20 million tonnes below the previous year’s level.