SABS 0228 definition
Examples of SABS 0228 in a sentence
Also covers transition jointing to paper-insulated cables.Ed 2A4 37p EN PDF 37p ENGr 10ICS29.240.20Revision of SANS 10198-11:1988 (SABS 0198-11) SANS 10228 (SABS 0228) (2010) (2010-01-22)The identification and classification of dangerous goods for transportCovers the identification and classification of dangerous goods that are capable of posing a significant risk to health and safety or to property and the environment.
SABS 0228 Class Not regulated IMDG Class Not regulated IATA-DGR Class Not regulated South African Transport Legislation: See SABS 0228, 0229, 0230, 0231, 0232-1, 0232-3,1398, 1518.
As seen from the chart below, in the data used for the Tekfen model, the residual is normally distributed.
Blue asbestos is classified as class 9(II) in terms of SABS 0228 and white asbestos as class 9(III) [3].
Fireworks are classified in Group I hazardous substances (explosives) and must be handled, used, stored andtransported in accordance with the provisions of SABS 0228, 0229, 0232 and 0263, the Explosives Act, 1956, and the Hazardous Substances Act, 1973, and any regulations made under these Acts, as the case may be.
References: SABS 0265: 1999, SABS 0228: 1995, SABS ISO 11014-1: 1994, M.S.D.S.(Suppliers of raw’s)Issued by: Doug CutterEMERGENCY NUMBERS: 011 406 4000 / 082 412 2298The information in this MSDS is based on current knowledge and experience at the date of publication.
All asbestos waste shall be transported in accordance to SABS 0228 & SABS 0229.
These handling, collection, treatment and disposal systems are based on many of the principles contained in SABS 0228 and those in use in the USA.