DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES. You must not keep at the premises or any part of the property, block or neighbourhood, any dangerous fluids fuels or materials or those which are flammable, smelly or could cause contamination, or which may not keep to fire regulations, or which may cause harm to the environment or human health.
DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES. The Tenant must not store keep on or bring into the premises or any store, shed or garage, inflammable liquids or explosive gasses which might reasonably be considered to be a fire hazard or otherwise dangerous to the premises or its occupants or the neighbours or the neighbour’s property.
DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES. 2.10.1 Not to keep or permit or suffer to be kept on the Demised Premises any material liquid or gas of a dangerous combustible corrosive explosive flammable radio-active or offensive nature otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of any relevant Act or Acts of Parliament or regulations made thereunder or issued by the Health and Safety Executive or any other like statutory body for the time being in force and after due notice to the Landlord and the insurers of the Demised Premises and payment of every increased or extra premium which ought properly to be paid and in any event not to store in the Demised Premises materials the keeping of which may contravene any statute order or regulation or bye- law
2.10.2 If it shall be necessary for the Landlord or any tenant of any unit adjoining the Demised Premises to carry out any work to such adjoining unit as a result of the storage in the Demised Premises or any of the substances mentioned in sub-clause 2.10.1 hereof then the Tenant shall forthwith on demand pay to the Landlord or such adjoining tenant the cost incurred in carrying out such work as aforesaid
2.10.3 Within seven days of a request by the Landlord to supply to the Landlord copies of any applications made by the Tenant to any statutory or other authority or body for consent to keep any of the matters referred to in sub-clause 2.
10.1 thereof on the Demised Premises together with copies of any licences issued pursuant to any such applications
DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES. No drugs, firearms, explosives or dangerous substances are to be deposited in the Box.
DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES. The customer shall not cause or permit any flammable, toxic, dangerous or hazardous substances to be placed in the container(s). If any substances are present in the container(s) the Council shall not be under any obligation to collect the refuse/recycling.
DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES. Save as disclosed in writing to the Security Trustee prior to the date of this Debenture, there has been no discharge, spillage, release or emission of any prescribed, dangerous, noxious or offensive substance or any controlled waste on, into or from any of its Properties and no such substance or waste has been stored or disposed of on or in any of its Properties (in each case since the later of the date on which the relevant Property was acquired by it or became a group asset) except in accordance with the requirements of the applicable Environmental Laws.
DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES. No Dangerous Substance has been used, disposed of, generated, stored, transported, dumped, released, deposited, buried or emitted at, on, from or under any other premises owned, leased, occupied, controlled or used by the Borrower in circumstances which would result in a Material Adverse Effect.
DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES including liquid petroleum gas
DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES. The Tenant must not store on the Premises or bring onto them any dangerous sub- stances as defined by the Fire Safety Regulations.
DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES. The District shall train employees whose job requires the handling of dangerous and/or toxic substances in the proper handling and use of such substances in accordance with the provisions of existing law.