Sales person definition

Sales person means a person who sells or offers to sell time-share interests in a time-share
Sales person means an employee employed to perform the tasks of a sales assistant and who receives, in addition to the minimum wage mentioned in clause 3, commission payments in terms of clause 4;
Sales person means an employee employed to perform the tasks of a sales assistant and who receives, commission payments in terms of clause 3;

Examples of Sales person in a sentence

  • However, in case of any exception cases, where there is no interaction by Sales person / Employee / Relationship manager of the intermediary with respect to the investment / transaction, the EUIN box may be left blank.

  • Investor investing through Intermediary shall mandatorily mention the EUIN on the application form, irrespective whether he/she has been advised by Sales person/ Employee/ Relationship manager of the Intermediary or not.

  • Solicitation Policy Sales person or agents for any product, proposition or cause are prohibited from soliciting anywhere on ISD property except with specific written permission of the superintendent.

  • Investor investing through Distributors shall mandatorily mention the EUIN on the application form, irrespective whether he/she has been advised by Sales person/ Employee/ Relationship manager of the Intermediary or not.

  • Investor investing through distributor shall mention EUIN on the application form, if he/she has been advised by Sales person/ Employee/ Relationship manager of the distributor.

More Definitions of Sales person

Sales person or “Sales Personnel” means any employee or employees who work in the AMC Portfolio Retention Department, at a branch office of any Ameriquest Party or who otherwise may reasonably be foreseen to have direct communications (whether in person, telephonically, or by electronic means) with Potential Borrowers for the purpose of originating a Loan and those who supervise those employees, including regional and area managers.
Sales person means a person or persons that makes or arranges for sales for a business concern, for the collection, transportation, treatment, storage, 1[recycling,]1 processing, transfer or disposal of solid waste or hazardous waste or the provision of soil and 1[debris] fill1 recycling services.
Sales person means a person employed in a shop to-
Sales person means a person an individual who sells or offers to sell time-share interests in a
Sales person means a person or persons that makes or arranges
Sales person or “Sales Persons” means those individuals that have been identified by Agent and are managed by Agent to solicit and sign Merchants for NATM under the terms of this Agreement.
Sales person means a technical person who sales medicines or medical devices in a legal way to institutions on behalf of medicine or medical device trader