Examples of Sampling port in a sentence
Sampling port assembly shall be securely attached to the wall or the columns or to the specific pipe support; and shall not be in the vicinity of electric conduits, fire alarms, or at the egress/ingress of a door way or pathway.
ThermometerImpeller Water inlet and outlet Sampling port Copper coil Liquid level 250 mm 200 mm ∅ 50 mm ∅ 150 mm Figure 3.2 A 2-L batch crystallizer Two convenient methods were used to measure the crystal size; image analysis method and the coulter counter method.
A 2.4 km pipeline was constructed to supply pre-treated mine water from the Grootvlei Gold Mine HDS plant to the Ancor site Sampling port Overflow Inner stilling column Support Feed and Recirculation ports Legend Direction of flowPump Figure 7 Pumpwhere PSS supply was readily available for the study.
Sampling port means an opening allowing access to a location where samples can be collected and analyzed.
Mr. Mullins and Ms. Rooker discussed the status of the request for public records made by the firm of Roetzel and Andress.