Examples of Scaled distance in a sentence
Cube Root Scaled distance (Ds1/3)—A value calculated by using the actual distance (D) in feet, measured in a horizontal line from the blast site to the nearest building or structure, neither owned nor leased by the blasting activity applicant or permittee, or its customers, divided by the cube root of the maximum weight of explosives (W) in pounds, that is detonated per delay period of less than 8 milliseconds.
Figure 10 - Scaled distance relationship from the fixed monitoring locations in zones 4 and 5 Around the time zone 2 was made available for blasting, there were questions being asked about blasting a particularly sensitive area of the Hendon Sewer Trench, in very close proximity to dwellings.
Figure 11 - Scaled distance relationship for blasts initiated in the same direction, working the same free faceTemporary field monitoring locations were set up, and a series of blasts were fired at various depths and with varyingMIC’s, but consistently in the same direction.
Scaled distance of the each blast has beencalculated using the formula (Eqn-5) proposed by Ambraseys and Hendron (1968).3 WSD = R ...(Eqn-5) Where, SD = Scaled DistanceR = Distance of instrument from blast (m) W = Maximum charge per delay (kg)Regression analysis has been carried out between the scaled distance and acceleration (Fig.
Figure 48 PPV vs Scaled distance only production blasts (electronic Vs non-electric)Those general trends are corroborated if only production blast and seismographs 5 and 9 are used (5 and 9 are the most active seismographs in 2010) see Figure 49.Figure 49 Peak particle velocity for seismographs 5 and 9 production blast In order to analyze the different axis of measurement in the seismograph, Figure 50 was created including only non-electric initiation system.
This is likely attributed to the accuracy of the electronic detonators.Figure 47 PPV vs Scaled distance (electronic Vs non-electric) The differences are more evident between the two initiation systems if only production blasts are compared as shown in Figure 48.
Scaled distance analysis results Group be quantified, thereby enhancing geological logic and reducing engineering uncertainty.The division of the three test groups was based on the lithology changes and GSI values of the rock units on the investigated locations.
To do so, we follow the steps described above:• Scaled distance: Z = 50/20001/3 ≈ 3.969m · kg1/3• U = K0 + K1 · log10(3.969) ≈ 2.2113• Y = C0 + C1 · 0.55252 + C3 · 0.55253 ≈ 2.2113• i/W 1/3 = 102.2113 ≈ 162.66 kPa · ms · kg−1/3• i = 162.66 · 20001/3 = 2049.40 kPa · msWe can verify the calculation results before implementing the equations in the model, through the Kingery-Bulmash Blast Parameters Calculator6 in the United Nations website.
Cube Root Scaled distance (Ds1/3)—A value calculated by using the formula Ds1/3 = D/(cube root) W, where actual distance (D) in feet measured in a horizontal line from the blast site to the nearest building or structure not owned or leased by the blasting activity applicant, the permittee, or their customers, is divided by the cube root of the maximum weight of explosives (W) in pounds detonated per delay period of less than 8 milliseconds.
Thermodynamic assumptions Authors - Scaled distance curve used: TNT curve Crowl (2010) Abbasi et al.