Scarification definition
Scarification means loosening the topsoil and/or disrupting the forest floor in preparation for regeneration.
Scarification means loosening the topsoil and/or dis- rupting the forest floor in preparation for regeneration.
Scarification means loosening and breaking up of soil compaction in a manner that prevents smearing and maintains soil structure.
Examples of Scarification in a sentence
Scarification to facilitate cutting to the full depth of potholes or corrugations may be elected, but will be considered incidental to blading.
When measurement is by area, the quantity of Pavement Scarification, square yards (square meters), will be the quantity shown in the contract documents.
When measurement is by weight (mass), the quantity of Pavement Scarification will be expressed in tons (megagrams) and determined from the quantity of scale weights (mass) of the material salvaged.
The Contractor will be paid the contract unit price for Pavement Scarification per ton (megagram).
The Contractor will be paid the contract unit price for Pavement Scarification per square yards (square meters).
More Definitions of Scarification
Scarification means the breaking down of the pavement in place by mechanical means to dis-aggregate the bound material to particles no larger than 50mm.
Scarification means an invasive procedure in which the intended result is the production of scar tissue on the surface of the skin.
Scarification means the practice of cutting or abrading human skin to bring about permanent scarring and includes the placement of implants not required for medical purposes beneath the skin.
Scarification means altering skin texture by cutting the skin and controlling the body's healing process in order to produce wounds, which result in permanently raised wheals or bumps known as keloids.
Scarification. (“creithio”) means the semi-permanent or permanent scarring, by scratching, of the skin of an individual for aesthetic purposes;’.
Scarification means cutting into the skin with a sharp instrument or branding the skin with a heated instrument to produce a permanent mark or design on the skin.
Scarification means injury of the skin involving scratching, etching, or cutting of designs to produce a scar on a human being for ornamentation or decoration;