Examples of Scheme legislation in a sentence
The Parties may review the operation and objectives of this Agreement following the review of the Scheme outlined in the Scheme legislation, or as otherwise agreed by the Parties through the Redress Scheme Governance Board.
A Party that ceases to be a participating state under the Scheme legislation immediately ceases to be a Party to this Agreement.
The per claim administrative charge will be reviewed by the Scheme Operator in accordance with the requirements under the Scheme legislation to ensure it accurately reflects the costs being recovered.
The Grantee shall use these funds solely for the purpose of this Grant Agreement.
This Agreement is to be read in conjunction with Scheme legislation (as defined in clause 16) and other relevant Commonwealth, state and territory legislation.
The IJC will meet on an as needs basis to specifically discuss key emerging policy, operational and communication issues and provide advice to the Board on amendments to Scheme legislation and policy guidelines.
This Agreement has been updated to reflect the Board’s decision, to update Scheme legislation references, and to reflect Machinery of Government changes.
Ringfencing or ringfenced means the suspension of a sell instruction (repurchase) of your units in a collective investment scheme by the unit trust management company, as per the Collective Investment Scheme legislation.
The introduction of the government’s Tenancy Deposit Scheme legislation results in the guidelines for the new legislation indicating that the arbitration panel for disputes over damages and wear and tear are not expected to find in favour of the Landlord unless a formal inventory and check-in/out was completed for the tenancy on both the move in and move out.
The NHS Pension Scheme legislation requires employers to contractually enrol all new eligible employees into the NHS Pension Scheme on commencement of their employment.