Examples of Secondary job in a sentence
Secondary job hours cannot be added to primary hours to qualify for benefits.
Secondary job hours added to primary job hours cannot equate to overtime status.
Secondary job objectives – amplification of the main objective.Responsibilities – to superior managers, to subordinate staff and for real estate and equipment.The main tasks or duties of the job – also showing the component elements, usually in scalar format.
What is your family’s current occupation?Primary job (spend more time) Secondary job (spend less time)................................................................
Secondary job hours would be scheduled after the employee has met all scheduling obligations of the primary job.
Secondary job (SJ): Hour or income restrictions can make additional income from a side job an important source of financial security for people with limited income or hours at their main job.
Secondary job earnings roughly constitute 22% of a multiple jobholder’s overall wages, though these percentages decelerate over time for the entire range of primary wage earnings.
Secondary job positions an employee has, including coaching for the Redmond School District, shall not interfere with the duties and responsibilities of the primary position of employment for which the employee was hired by the Redmond School District.
It is related to the job diversity reason, but it varies in that it takes the money side of moonlighting into account.• Secondary job satisfaction may differ from primary job satisfaction.
Chair Lars Bierly called the meeting to order at 12:06 p.m. in the dining room of Crescent Apartments.