Examples of Securities Markets Act in a sentence
Finnish Securities are issued in uncertificated and dematerialised book-entry form in accordance with the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012), the Finnish Act on the Book-entry System and Settlement Activities (laki arvo- osuusjärjestelmästä ja selvitystoiminnasta (348/2017)) and the Finnish Act on Book-entry Accounts (laki arvo-osuustileistä (872/1991)), other applicable Finnish legislation and Euroclear Finland Rules.
Securitas AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.
The interim financial statements are not presented in accordance with IAS 34 standard, as Rovio applies the statutes of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (1278/2015) regarding the regular disclosure requirements.
IFS discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980) and/or the Securities Markets Act (2007:528).
AB Volvo (publ) may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act.
The replacing CSD must be authorised to professionally conduct clearing operations pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act (lag (2007:528) om värdepappersmarknaden) and be authorised as a central securities depository in accordance with the Financial Instruments Accounts Act.
The Manager has a Securities Trading Policy which raises awareness about the insider trading provisions in the Securities Markets Act 1988 (“SMA”) and strengthens those requirements with additional compliance standards and procedures which Directors and employees who wish to trade in GMT Units must comply with.
Neither party shall use any such information in any way or otherwise do anything which could breach the Securities Markets Act 1988 or the New Zealand Exchange Limited Listing Rules or could result in the other party or any of its Related Companies or any of its or their shareholders, officers, employees or advisers incurring any liability under the Securities Markets Act 1988 or the New Zealand Exchange Limited Listing Rules.
A Depositary Receipt is a security as defined in Chapter 2, Section 1(1) of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).
Rottneros discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.