Securities Trading Act means the Securities Trading Act of 2007 no.75 of the Relevant Jurisdiction.
Securities Transaction means a purchase of or sale of Securities.
Private Securities Transaction means any securities transaction relating to new offerings of securities which are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, provided however that transactions subject to the notification requirements of Rule 3050 of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (FINRA) Conduct Rules, transactions among immediate family members (as defined in the interpretation of the FINRA Board of Governors on free-riding and withholding) for which no associated person receives any selling compensation, and personal securities transactions in investment company and variable annuity securities shall be excluded.
Personal Securities Transaction means any transaction in a Covered Security in which an Access Person has a direct or indirect Pecuniary Interest.
Personal Securities Transactions means any transaction in a Security pursuant to which an Access Person would have a Beneficial Ownership interest with the exception of obligations of the U.S. Government, bankers’ acceptances, bank certificates of deposit, money market fund shares, commercial paper, high quality short-term debt instruments and registered open-end investment companies, none of which are funds advised or sub-advised by the Firm.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission means the independent regulatory agency established by congress to administer the Commodity Exchange Act.
Local Exchange Carrier or "LEC" means any Carrier that is engaged in the provision of telephone Exchange Service or Exchange Access. Such term does not include a Carrier insofar as such Carrier is engaged in the provision of a commercial mobile service under Section 332(c) of the Act, except to the extent that the FCC finds that such service should be included in the definition of such term.
Securities System means the Federal Reserve Book-Entry System, a clearing agency which acts as a Securities Depository, or another book entry system for the central handling of securities (including an Eligible Securities Depository).
Securities Transfer Act means the Securities Transfer Act (British Columbia) from time to time in force and all amendments thereto and includes all regulations and amendments thereto made pursuant to that Act.
Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) Shall have the meaning set forth in 47 U.S.C. §153. Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG): The Telcordia Technologies reference customarily used to identify NPA-NXX routing and homing information, as well as equipment designation. Local Interconnection Trunk or Local Interconnection Trunk Group: One-way or two-way trunks or trunk groups used to exchange Local Traffic between a switch of one Party and a switch of the other Party.
trading book means all positions in financial instruments and commodities held by an institution either with trading intent or in order to hedge positions held with trading intent;
Subscriber Management System means a system or device which stores the subscriber records and details with respect to name, address and other information regarding the hardware being utilized by the subscriber, channels or bouquets of channels subscribed by the subscriber, price of such channels or bouquets of channels as defined in the system, the activation or deactivation dates and time for any channel or bouquets of channels, a log of all actions performed on a subscriber’s record, invoices raised on each subscriber and the amounts paid or discount allowed to the subscriber for each billing period;
Securities Financing Transactions Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on transparency of securities financing transactions and of reuse and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (as amended from time to time);
Portal Market means The Portal Market operated by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or any successor thereto.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) indicator means a four-character suffix to the unique entity identifier. The suffix is assigned at the discretion of the commercial, nonprofit, or Government entity to establish additional System for Award Management records for identifying alternative EFT accounts (see subpart 32.11) for the same entity.
WOSB Program Repository means a secure, Web-based application that collects, stores, and disseminates documents to the contracting community and SBA, which verify the eligibility of a business concern for a contract to be awarded under the WOSB Program.
Recognised Investment Exchange means a recognised investment exchange as defined by section 285 of the Financial Services and Markets Xxx 0000;
securities dealer means a person or entity that is authorized under provincial legislation to engage in the business of dealing in securities or any other financial instruments or to provide portfolio management or investment advising services.
Client Securities Rules means the Securities and Futures (Client Securities) Rules (Cap 571H of the Laws of Hong Kong).
Automated driving system means the same as that term is defined in Section 41-26-102.1.
central securities depository means an entity or generally recognised book-entry or other settlement system or clearing house, central clearing counterparty or agency, acting as a local securities depository, central securities depository or international securities depository, the use of which is customary for securities settlement activities in the jurisdiction(s) in which it holds Securities or Cash in connection with this Agreement, and through which the Custodian may transfer, settle, clear, deposit or maintain Securities whether in certificated or uncertificated form and will include any services provided by any network service provider or carriers or settlement banks used by a CSD.
Trading Access means the right granted to a Person to send RFQs or place Orders and/or enter into transactions for certain or all Swaps to the SEF Platform or execute Swaps subject to the BSEF Rules.
Trading Compliance Policy means the written policy of the Company pertaining to the purchase, sale, transfer or other disposition of the Company’s equity securities by Directors, Officers, Employees or other service providers who may possess material, nonpublic information regarding the Company or its securities.
Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC)” means a telephone company certificated by the Commission to provide local Exchange Service within AT&T-21STATE’s franchised area.
Street Trading means the selling or exposing or the offering for sale of any article (including a living thing) or the supplying or offering to supply any service in a street for gain or reward.
Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG means the iconectiv Reference document used by Telecommunications Carriers to identify NPA-NXX routing and homing information as well as Network element and equipment designations.