Security procedure means a procedure employed for the purpose of verifying that an electronic signature, record, or performance is that of a specific person or for detecting changes or errors in the information in an electronic record. The term includes a procedure that requires the use of algorithms or other codes, identifying words or numbers, encryption, or callback or other acknowledgment procedures.
Security Provider means a person which, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, provides or is to provide any guarantee or other surety or security in respect of that Party’s obligations under this Agreement;
Security Procedures means rules and regulations governing access to, and health and safety procedures while on, Government premises; and information technology security protocols;
Security Property means all right, title and interest in, to and under any Security Document, including:
Information Security Program means the administrative, technical, and physical safeguards that a licensee uses to access, collect, distribute, process, protect, store, use, transmit, dispose of, or otherwise handle nonpublic information.
Security Vulnerability means a flaw or weakness in system security procedures, design, implementation, or internal controls that could be exercised (accidentally triggered or intentionally exploited) and result in a security breach such that data is compromised, manipulated or stolen or the system damaged.
Computer Security Procedures means procedures for prevention of unauthorized computer access and use and administration of computer access and use as provided in writing to the Underwriter.
Security Policy Framework means the Cabinet Office Security Policy Framework (available from the Cabinet Office Security Policy Division);
Security Plan means the Contractor’s security plan prepared pursuant to paragraph 3 of Schedule (Security Requirements & Plan)
Security Bond means an amount payable by a tenant as security for the performance of his obligations under a residential tenancy agreement, including an amount referred to in section 29(1)(b)(ii);
Security alarm system means a device or series of devices, intended to summon law enforcement personnel during, or as a result of, an alarm condition. Devices may include hard- wired systems and systems interconnected with a radio frequency method such as cellular or private radio signals that emit or transmit a remote or local audible, visual, or electronic signal; motion detectors, pressure switches, duress alarms (a silent system signal generated by the entry of a designated code into the arming station to indicate that the user is disarming under duress); panic alarms (an audible system signal to indicate an emergency situation); and hold-up alarms (a silent system signal to indicate that a robbery is in progress).
HMG Security Policy Framework means the Cabinet Office Security Policy Framework (available from the Cabinet Office Security Policy Division) as updated from time to time.
Security Tests means conduct tests of the processes and countermeasures contained in the Security Plan.
Social Engineering Security Procedures means security procedures intended to prevent Social Engineering Fraud as set forth in the Application and/or as otherwise provided in writing to the Underwriter.
NIST Cybersecurity Framework means the U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute for Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (Version 1.1).
Identity proofing means a process or service by which a third person provides a notary public with a means to verify the identity of a remotely located individual by a review of personal information from public or private data sources.
Security Management Plan means the Supplier's security management plan prepared pursuant to paragraph 3 of schedule 2 an outline of which is set out in paragraph 2.7 of the Order Form as updated from time to time;
Security Credentials means the personalised security features we require you to use now or in future to
Security freeze means a notice, at the request of the consumer and subject to certain exceptions,
technical and organisational security measures means those measures aimed at protecting personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access, in particular where the processing involves the transmission of data over a network, and against all other unlawful forms of processing.
Phone/Electronic Transaction Security Procedures means security procedures for Phone/ Electronic Transactions as provided in writing to the Underwriter.
Security Measures has the meaning given in Section 7.1.1 (Google’s Security Measures).
Security Control means a safeguard or countermeasure prescribed for an information system or an organization designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its information and to meet a set of defined security requirements.
Security Limits means operating electricity system voltage limits, stability limits and thermal ratings.
Phone/Electronic Transaction Security Procedures means security procedures for Phone/ Electronic Transactions as provided in writing to the Underwriter.
Security Policy means the Authority’s Security Policy annexed to Schedule (Security Requirements and Plan) as updated from time to time.