Examples of Security Vulnerability in a sentence
While no software can be guaranteed to be free from Security Vulnerabilities, if a Security Vulnerability is discovered, Motorola will take the steps set forth in Section 6 of this Agreement.
Unless other- wise notified and following a Security Vulnerability Assessment resubmission pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this sec- tion , a covered facility must complete and submit a new Site Security Plan within 120 calendar days of written no- tification from the Department or within the time frame specified in any subsequent FEDERAL REGISTER notice.(c) The Assistant Secretary retains the authority to modify the schedule in this part as needed.
Unless otherwise notified and following a Top-Screen resubmission pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a cov- ered facility must complete and submit a new Security Vulnerability Assess- ment within 90 calendar days of writ- ten notification from the Department or within the time frame specified in any subsequent FEDERAL REGISTER no- tice.(3) Site Security Plan.
Once the Security Vulnerability Audit is completed, the Vendor will create a remediation plan and implement the plan to address any failed areas.
The Vendor will undergo Security Vulnerability Audits annually, and supply audit reports to the Port upon request.