B-BBEE means broad-based black economic empowerment as defined in section 1 of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;
Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;
CORA means the Colorado Open Records Act, §§24-72-200.1 et. seq., C.R.S.
Asset Management is a principle/practice that includes planning processes, approaches, plans, or related documents that support an integrated lifecycle approach to the effective stewardship of infrastructure assets to maximize benefits and effectively manage risk.
BRRD II means Directive (EU) 2019/879 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Directive 2014/59/EU as regards the loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity of credit institutions and investment firms and Directive 98/26/EC.
EPFO means Employees' Provident Fund Organization
SORA means, in respect of any Singapore Business Day “i”, a reference rate equal to the daily Singapore Overnight Rate Average published by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (or a successor administrator), as the administrator of the benchmark, on the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s website currently at http://www.mas.gov.sg, or any successor website officially designated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (or as published by its authorised distributors) (the “Relevant Screen Page”) on the Singapore Business Day immediately following such Singapore Business Day “i”;
Tabarru’ means donation for the purpose of solidarity and cooperation among the Takaful Participants and to be used to help all Takaful Participants in times of misfortune. In the context of the Company, Tabarru’ will be allocated into the Participants’ Risk Fund.
LHSIA means the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, and the regulations made under it, as it and they may be amended from time to time;
Lacquer means a clear or opaque wood coating, including clear lacquer sanding sealers, formulated with cellulosic or synthetic resins to dry by evaporation without chemical reaction and to provide a solid, protective film.
SONIAi means the SONIA Reference Rate for:
Asset Management Plan means a strategic document that states how a group of assets are to be managed over a period of time. The plan describes the characteristics and condition of infrastructure assets, the levels of service expected from them, planned actions to ensure the assets are providing the expected level of service, and financing strategies to implement the planned actions. The plan may use any appropriate format, as long as it includes the information and analysis required to be in a plan as described in Ontario’s Building Together: Guide for Asset Management Plans.
Greywater means all liquid wastes from showers, baths, sinks, kitchens and domestic washing facilities, but does not include toilet wastes;
GA means the amount (if any) by which:
CBO means a community-based organization.
WADA means the World Anti-Doping Agency.
SERFF means the system for electronic rate and form filing. SERFF is a proprietary NAIC computer-based application that allows insurers and other entities to create and submit rate, rule and form filings electronically to the commissioner.
Graywater means untreated wastewater that has not been contaminated by any toilet discharge, has not been affected by infectious, contaminated, or unhealthy bodily wastes, and does not present a threat from contamination by unhealthful processing, manufacturing, or operating wastes. “Graywater” includes, but is not limited to, wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes washing machines, and laundry tubs, but does not include wastewater from kitchen sinks or dishwashers. Health and Safety Code Section 17922.12.
Nursing home means that term as defined in section 20109 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.20109.
ESBD means the Electronic State Business Daily, the electronic marketplace where State of Texas bid opportunities over $25,000 are posted. The ESBD may currently be accessed at http://www.txsmartbuy.com/esbd.
CC means the Conditions of Contract.
OJEU means the Official Journal of the European Union.
CESA means the California Endangered Species Act, California Fish and Game Code, section 2050, et seq.
FIPPA means the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario) and the regulations made under it as it and they may be amended from time to time;
Management Group means at any time, the Chairman of the board of directors, the Chief Executive Officer, the President, any Managing Director, Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President or Vice President, any Treasurer and any Secretary of Holdings or other executive officer of Holdings or any Subsidiary of Holdings at such time.
Diocese means the Church of England diocese in which the Academies are situated;