Examples of Selective Catalytic Reduction System in a sentence
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, “Last Acts Campaign,” $43,362 (Principal Investigator) 1999-00 Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics Filmmaker-in-Residence Program.
Currently, Section 285 of the Patent Act does not grant any party a special status.
The source is described as follows: S-1 Combustion Gas Turbine with Water Injection, General Electric LM6000 PC Sprint, natural gas fired, 49.6 MW net simple-cycle, 500 MMBtu/hr maximum heat input rating; abated by A-1 Oxidation Catalyst, and A-2 Selective Catalytic Reduction System.
S-44 Heat Recovery Steam Generator #2, 395 MM Btu per hour, abated by A-13 Selective Catalytic Reduction System and A-14 CO Catalyst System.
The Pittsburg District Energy Facility will consist of the following permitted equipment: S-1 Combustion Gas Turbine #1, General Electric Frame 7FA Model PG 7231 or equivalent; 1,929 MM BTU per hour, equipped with dry low-NOx Combustors, abated by A-1 Selective Catalytic Reduction System and A-2 Oxidation Catalyst S-2 Heat Recovery Steam Generator #1, equipped with dry low-NOx Duct Burners, 83 MM BTU per hour, abated by A-1 Selective Catalytic Reduction System and A-2 Oxidation Catalyst.
For larger furnaces with air preheat systems and balanced draft designs incorporating an SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) System can be used to reduce NOX well below guidelines set for these designs (0.1 lb/million BTU heat rebase for gas or 0.12 lb/million BTU heat release for liquid fuels.
The NOx SIP Call, CAIR, and HAA NOx budgets for EGUs in Maryland are summarized in Table 4-3.Figure 4-1 Coal-Fired Units in Maryland Affected by HAA Table 4-2 Summary of Control Equipment Installed in Maryland to Comply with HAA ESP: Electrostatic Precipitator; H-ESP: Hot-side ESP;FF: Fabric Filter;SNCR: Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction System; SACR: Selective Auto-Catalytic Reduction System; LNB: Low NOx Burners;SCR: Selective Catalytic Reduction System; SOFA: Separated Over-Fire Air.
S-4 Combustion Turbine Generator #4, GE LM6000 PC Sprint, Natural Gas Fired, 50 MW (nominal), 481 MMBtu/hr (HHV) maximum rated capacity; abated by A-7 Oxidation Catalyst, and A-8 Selective Catalytic Reduction System (SCR).
S-3 Combustion Gas Turbine #2, General Electric Frame 7FA Model PG 7231 or equivalent; 1,929 MM BTU per hour, equipped with dry low-NOx Combustors, abated by A-3 Selective Catalytic Reduction System and A-4 Oxidation Catalyst S-4 Heat Recovery Steam Generator #2, equipped with dry low-NOx Duct Burners, 83 MM BTU per hour, abated by A-3 Selective Catalytic Reduction System and A-4 Oxidation Catalyst.
The most efficient of these technologies is the Selective Catalytic Reduction System (SCR), which uses the reducing agent ARLA32 in its operation and presents an efficiency between 80% and 90% in the reduction of pollutants according Guan et al.