Sell Authorization definition
Sell Authorization means that Open Ecosystem Partner needs to meet specific training and qualification requirements for each product included in an “On Premise” Product Family that Open Ecosystem Partner wants to resell as set out in detail in the Open Ecosystem Program Guide.
Sell Authorization means that Distributor needs to meet specific training and qualification requirements for each product included in an “On Premise” Product Family that Distributor wants to resell as set out in detail in the Distributor Program Guide and the applicable RSPI.
Sell Authorization means the specific training and qualification requirements for the products or services included in a “Cloud” Product Family that Partner wants to resell subscriptions for as set out in detail in the PartnerEdge Program Guide and the applicable RSPI.
More Definitions of Sell Authorization
Sell Authorization means that Partner needs to meet specific training and qualification requirements for the products included in an “On Premise” Product Family that Partner wants to resell as set out in detail in the PartnerEdge Program Guide and the applicable RSPI.
Sell Authorization means that Partner needs to meet specific training and qualification requirements for the SAP hosted, on-demand cloud products or services included in an “On Demand” or “Cloud” Product Family that Partner wants to resell subscriptions for as set out in detail in the PartnerEdge Program Guide and the applicable RSPI.
Sell Authorization means the specific training and qualification requirements for the products included in an “On Premise” Product Family that Partner wants to resell as set out in detail in the PartnerEdge Program Guide and the applicable RSPI, to be fulfilled by Partner.
Sell Authorization means that Partner needs to meet specific training and qualification requirements for the products included in an “On Premise” Product Family that Partner wants to resell as set out in detail in the PartnerEdge Program Guide and the applicable RSPI.Дозвіл на продаж означає, що Партнер має відповідати певним вимогам до тренінгів та кваліфікаційним вимогам для продуктів, що входять до Сімейства продуктів типу «On Premise», які Партнер бажає перепродавати, як докладно описано в Посібнику з використання програми PartnerEdge і відповідному Регіональному посібнику щодо програми.
Sell Authorization means the specific training and qualification requirements for the products included in an “On Premise” Product Family that Partner wants to resell as set out in detail in the PartnerEdge Program Guide and the applicable RSPI, to be fulfilled by Partner. „Autoryzacja do sprzedaży” oznacza określone wymagania w zakresie szkolenia i kwalifikacji, które Partner powinien spełnić, dotyczące produktów uwzględnionych w Rodzinie produktów instalowanych lokalnie i przeznaczonych przez Partnera do odsprzedaży zgodnie ze szczegółowym określeniem w Przewodniku po programie PartnerEdge oraz w odpowiednich Informacjach dotyczących programu dla danego regionu (RSPI). “SUR” means the then-current List of Prices and Conditions SAP Software and Support used by SAP which include additional or supplemental terms and conditions under which Software is licensed and which is made available on The SUR document is considered a Price List document in the meaning of Article 12 (Change to Terms) Nr. 1 in Part 1 of the SAP PartnerEdge GTCs. „Warunki SUR” oznaczają aktualną Listę cen i warunków dotyczących oprogramowania i pomocy technicznej SAP stosowaną przez SAP, zawierającą dodatkowe lub uzupełniające warunki, na podstawie których dokonuje się licencjonowania Oprogramowania, i udostępnioną na stronie Dokument z Warunkami SUR uznaje się za dokument Cennika w rozumieniu postanowień Artykułu 12, Nr 1 Część 11 Warunków ogólnych programu SAP PartnerEdge dotyczących Zmiany warunków. “VAR Delivered Support” means the support that Partner can provide directly to End Users subject to the terms and conditions set out in the VAR Delivered Support Model which SAP and Partner can agree on by signing the VAR Delivered Support Schedule. „Pomoc techniczna świadczona przez sprzedawcę VAR” oznacza pomoc techniczną, którą Partner może świadczyć bezpośrednio na rzecz Użytkowników końcowych, z zastrzeżeniem warunków określonych w Modelu Pomocy technicznej świadczonej przez sprzedawcę VAR, i na zapewnienie której SAP i Partner mogą wyrazić zgodę poprzez podpisanie Załącznika dotyczącego Pomocy technicznej świadczonej przez sprzedawcę VAR. “VAR Delivered Support For Business One” means the support that Partner can provide directly to End Users for SAP Business One subject to the “Terms and Conditions for VAR Delivered Support for SAP Business One” which SAP and Partner can agree on by signing the Business One VAR Delivered Support Schedule „Pomoc tech...
Sell Authorization means that Partner needs to meet specific training and qualification requirements for the products or services included in an “Cloud” Product Family that Partner wants to resell subscriptions for as set out in detail in the PartnerEdge Program Guide and the applicable RSPI.«SAP Cloud GTC» или «Cloud GTC» (также «Общие условия и положения по Облачным услугам SAP») означает действующая на момент вступления в силу соответствующей Формы заказа версия документа Общие условия и положения по Облачным услугам SAP, которые используются SAP для предоставления Облачных сервисов и расположены по ссылке: Cloud GTC могут обновляться время от времени в соответствии с условиями Статьи 12 (Изменение условий) части 1 Общих условий PartnerEdge.«Авторизация на продажи» означает, что Партнер должен отвечать определенным требованиям по уровню подготовки и квалификации в отношении услуг из Семейства продуктов Cloud, подписку на которые Партнер желает распространять. Данные
Sell Authorization means that Distributor needs to meet specific training and qualification requirements for each product included in an “On Premise” Product Family that Distributor wants to resell as set out in detail in the Distributor Program Guide and the applicable RSPI.「銷售授權」係指經銷商必須針對各項其欲轉售之「內部部署」系列產品項目,依照經銷計劃指南及適用的 RSPI,進行特定培訓並獲得必要資格。