Senate resolution definition
Examples of Senate resolution in a sentence
The definitions in this subsection incorporate the definition of torture contained in Article 1 of the Convention Against Torture, subject to the reservations, understandings, dec- larations, and provisos contained in the United States Senate resolution of ratification of the Convention.
Any House or Senate resolution requires a majority vote of the members elected to that house, and the yeas and nays shall be entered upon the journal.
For duties imposed by law and by the Senate, the Clerk of the Senate shall be paid a monthly salary as provided by the Senate resolution, unless increased between sessions under the authority of the President, payable out of the appropriation for Compensation and Per Diem of Officers and Employees or Current Expenses and Contingent Fund of the Senate.
The Clerk of the Senate, with the approval of the President, or the President of the Senate shall have authority to employ such staff personnel between sessions of the Legislature as shall be needed, the compensation of all staff personnel during and between sessions of the Legislature, notwithstanding any such Senate resolution, to be fixed by the President of the Senate.
Copies of the written request of the President or Senate resolution will be provided to the Association and the responsible Xxxx.
The Program Redundancy Committee will examine whether or not a given Program is redundant only when asked to do so by the written request of the President or by a Senate resolution supported by a majority of members of the Senate.
Any Senate resolution that is distributed prior to a regularly scheduled Senate meeting should also be checked in advance by the Faculty Manual Editorial Consultant to see if it requires a change in the Manual.
The Clerk of the Senate, with the approval of the President, or the President of the Senate shall have authority to employ such staff personnel during any session of the Legislature as shall be needed in addition to staff personnel authorized by the Senate resolution adopted during any such session.
In June 2005, the Senate passed a sense of the Senate resolution recognizing the need to enact a US cap and trade program to slow, stop and reverse the growth of greenhouse gases.
A proposal to rescind must be in the form of a Member Senate resolution signed by the Member Senate president.