Examples of Sensitive Plant Species in a sentence
The following findings in support of Project Design Criteria, including Attachments G and H (if applicable), must be completed for all projects that propose impacts to Critical Populations of Sensitive Plant Species (Attachment C), Significant Populations of Narrow Endemic Animal Species (Attachment D), Narrow Endemic Plant Species (Attachment E) or Sensitive Plants (San Diego County Rare Plant List) or proposes impacts within a Biological Resource Core Area.
Control Areas for Sensitive Plant Species are identified with ORANGE/WHITE stripe flagging, YELLOW/BLACK signs labelled "SENSITIVE AREA Equipment PROHIBITED behind this sign", and wooden stakes with YELLOW flashers attached.
Botanical Protection Control Areas: Sensitive Plant Species are designated with ORANGE/WHITE stripe flagging, YELLOW/BLACK signs labelled "SENSITIVE AREA Equipment PROHIBITED behind this sign", and wooden stakes with an attached YELLOW flasher.
The County deserves praise for extending the avoidance standard in the South County subarea plan to a much longer list of narrow endemic species than that presented in the MSCP plan, as well as to Sensitive Plant Species.
Ifhabitat outside surveyed areas is disturbed, the Contractor shall have a qualified botanist perform presence/absence surveys for Federally Listed Plant Species, USFS Sensitive Plant Species, and Species of Local Concern prior to ground disturbance during the appropriate survey window.
The project does not propose impacts to Critical Populations of Sensitive Plant Species, Significant Populations of Narrow Endemic Animal Species, Narrow Endemic Plant Species, Sensitive Plants, or a Biological Resource Core Area.
Additionally, the following two BLM Sensitive Plant Species have been documented in the project vicinity and the environmental conditions within the habitat surrounding the project site are suitable to support these species: • Creamy blazing star (Mentzelia tridentata)• Charlotte's phacelia (Phacelia nashiana) An analysis of the likelihood for occurrence of all CNDDB sensitive species documented in the Little Lake, Coso Junction, Cactus Peak and Volcano Peak quads is provided in Table 2.
Sensitive Plant Species and CNPS List 3 and List 4 Plant Species.
Table 5-1: USFS Target Plant Species Plant SpeciesOccurrence Potential in Project Area Book 2, Section 5 Exhibit A displays areas that have been surveyed for the Federally Listed Plant Species, USFS Sensitive Plant Species, and Species of Local Concern listed in Table 5-1.
The project would not impact Critical Populations of Sensitive Plant Species (Attachment C), Significant Populations of Narrow Endemic Animal Species (Attachment D), Narrow Endemic Plant Species (Attachment E) or Sensitive Plants (San Diego County Rare Plant List), or within a Biological Resource Core Area.Therefore, the project design criteria does not apply.