Commercially Sensitive Information means the Information (i) listed in the Commercially Sensitive Information Schedule; or (ii) notified to the Authority in writing (prior to the commencement of this Contract) which has been clearly marked as Commercially Sensitive Information comprised of information:
Contractor Commercially Sensitive Information means the information listed in the Contractor Commercial Sensitive Information Annex to the Contract being information notified by the Contractor to the Authority which is acknowledged by the Authority as being commercially sensitive information.
DXC Sensitive Information means DXC Confidential Information, Intellectual Property, PHI, DXC Customer data, and Personal Information.
Price Sensitive Information means any information which relates, directly or indirectly, to a company and which if published is likely to materially affect the price of securities of the company.
Sensitive Information means controlled unclassified information of a commercial, financial, proprietary, or privileged nature. The term includes technical data and computer software, but does not include information that is lawfully, publicly available without restriction.
Competitively Sensitive Information means non-public information and data specific to a utility customer which the utility acquired or developed in the course of its provision of utility services. This includes, without limitation, information about which customers have or have not chosen to opt out of community choice aggregation service. (See D.97-12-088, App. A, Part I.D.)
Unpublished Price Sensitive Information means any information, relating to a company or its securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities and shall, ordinarily including but not restricted to, information relating to the following: –
Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI means any information, relating to a Company or its Securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of Securities of the Company and shall, ordinarily include but not be restricted to, information relating to the following:
Product Information has the meaning specified in Section 10.12(a).
Project specific information means such part of the Instructions to Consultants used to reflect specific project and assignment conditions.
Appendix Information means the information which must be provided for the selected modules as set out in the Appendix of the Approved EU SCCs (other than the Parties), and which for this Addendum is set out in:
Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means any information, relating to a company or its securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities and shall, ordinarily including but not restricted to, information relating to the following: –
Data Tape Information The information provided by the Responsible Party as of the Cut-off Date to the Depositor setting forth the following information with respect to each Mortgage Loan: (1) the Responsible Party's Mortgage Loan identifying number; (2) the Mortgagor's name; (3) the street address of the Mortgaged Property including the city, state and zip code; (4) a code indicating whether the Mortgaged Property is owner-occupied, a second home or investment property; (5) the number and type of residential units constituting the Mortgaged Property (i.e., a single family residence, a 2-4 family residence, a unit in a condominium project or a unit in a planned unit development, manufactured housing); (6) the original months to maturity or the remaining months to maturity from the Cut-off Date, in any case based on the original amortization schedule and, if different, the maturity expressed in the same manner but based on the actual amortization schedule; (7) with respect to First Lien Mortgage Loans, the Loan-to-Value Ratio, and with respect to the Second Lien Mortgage Loans, the Combined Loan-to-Value Ratio at origination; (8) the Mortgage Interest Rate as of the Cut-off Date; (9) the date on which the Scheduled Payment was due on the Mortgage Loan and, if such date is not consistent with the Due Date currently in effect, such Due Date; (10) the stated maturity date; (11) the amount of the Scheduled Payment as of the Cut-off Date; (12) the last payment date on which a Scheduled Payment was actually applied to pay interest and the outstanding principal balance; (13) the original principal amount of the Mortgage Loan; (14) the principal balance of the Mortgage Loan as of the close of business on the Cut-off Date, after deduction of payments of principal due and collected on or before the Cut-off Date; (15) with respect to Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loans, the Adjustment Date; (16) with respect to Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loans, the Gross Margin; (17) with respect to Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loans, the Lifetime Rate Cap under the terms of the Mortgage Note; (18) with respect to Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loans, a code indicating the type of Index; (19) with respect to Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loans, the Periodic Mortgage Interest Rate Cap under the terms of the Mortgage Note; (20) the type of Mortgage Loan (i.e., fixed rate, adjustable rate, first lien, second lien); (21) a code indicating the purpose of the loan (i.e., purchase, rate and term refinance, equity take-out refinance); (22) a code indicating the documentation style (i.e., full documentation, limited documentation or stated income); (23) the loan credit classification (as described in the Underwriting Guidelines); (24) whether such Mortgage Loan provides for a Prepayment Premium; (25) the Prepayment Premium period of such Mortgage Loan, if applicable; (26) a description of the Prepayment Premium, if applicable; (27) the Mortgage Interest Rate as of origination; (28) the credit risk score (FICO score) at origination; (29) the date of origination; (30) the Mortgage Interest Rate adjustment period; (31) the Mortgage Interest Rate floor; (32) the Mortgage Interest Rate calculation method (i.e., 30/360, simple interest, other); (33) a code indicating whether the Mortgage Loan has been modified; (34) with respect to First Lien Mortgage Loans, the current Loan-to-Value Ratio, and with respect to Second Lien Mortgage Loans, the current Combined Loan-to-Value Ratio; (35) the one year payment history;
Track 2 Information means the information held on the Card, typically on the computer chip or the magnetic stripe.
Confidential commercial information means records provided to the govern- ment by a submitter that arguably contain material exempt from release under Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4), be- cause disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause substantial competi- tive harm.
Calling Name Information means a Telecommunications Carrier’s records of its End Users names associated with one or more assigned ten-digit telephone numbers.
Data Room Information means the information and documents listed in the index of documents contained in the Data Site attached to the Company Disclosure Letter;
Transparency Information means the content of this Contract in its entirety, including from time to time agreed changes to the Contract, and details of any payments made by the Authority to the Contractor under the Contract;
Patient identifying information means an insured's address, telephone number, facsimile number, electronic mail address, photograph or likeness, employer, employment status, social security number, or any other information that is likely to lead to the identification of the insured.
Sensitive Data means a category of personal data that includes:
Program Information has the meaning set forth in Section 14.8.
Environmentally Sensitive Material means oil, oil products and any other substance (including any chemical, gas or other hazardous or noxious substance) which is (or is capable of being or becoming) polluting, toxic or hazardous;
Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.
Commercial Information means information regarding the purchase and sale of goods and services, including, but not limited to, information regarding marketing strategy, production data, assessments of goods and services, mineral exploration records, and compilations of data regarding commercial activity.
Coordinated licensure information system means an integrated process for collecting, storing, and sharing information on nurse licensure and enforcement activities related to nurse licensure laws that is administered by a nonprofit organization composed of and controlled by licensing boards.