Separate purchases definition
Examples of Separate purchases in a sentence
Separate purchases may not be cumulated to satisfy the minimum denomination requirements.
Separate purchases with the same special terms may be included in the same special terms balance.
Separate purchases must be made for personal items, alcoholic beverages and expenses for family members or travel companions.
Separate purchases of Notes may not be aggregated for the purposes of determining whether a Holder may elect to receive monthly interest payments.
Separate purchases of the same or similar materials or services from the same of different suppliers at the same time or about the same time where each purchase does not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) but the aggregate of such purchases exceeds five thousand dollars (5,000.00) shall be considered a single purchase involving more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).
Separate purchases of Debentures may not be aggregated for the purposes of determining whether a Holder may elect to receive monthly interest payments.
Separate purchases are purchases, made separately, of items that normally would be purchased in one purchase.
Separate purchases are purchases, made separately, of items that normally would be purchased in one purchase.Sequential purchases are purchases, made over a period, of items that normally would be purchased in one purchase.
Note: Separate purchases for individual components of a total project, services, or split purchasing for the purpose of evading the competitive bid requirement constitutes a felony.
Separate purchases of the same or similar materials or services from the same or different suppliers at the same time, shall be considered a single purchase.