Examples of Series of Debt Securities in a sentence
In the case of the cancellation of any Series of Debt Securities, the Record will include notations of the Series of Debt Securities so cancelled and the date on which such Series was cancelled.
The Register will show the principal amount of each Series of Debt Securities, the date of issue, all subsequent transfers and changes of ownership in respect thereof and the names, tax identifying numbers and addresses of the Holders of each Series.
The Republic, whenever necessary to avoid or fill a vacancy in the office of Trustee, will appoint, in the manner provided in Section 5.9, a Trustee, so that there shall at all times be a Trustee hereunder for each Series of Debt Securities.
If the consent solicitation relates to a proposal for a Cross-Series Modification, the solicitation shall include an indication of (x) which Series of Debt Securities will be aggregated for purposes of consenting to that proposal, (y) the Modification Method chosen by the Republic for the consent regarding that proposal, and (z) the identity of the Modifications Calculation Agent, if any.
If any Series of Debt Securities are listed on a securities exchange and that securities exchange so requires, the Republic will maintain a paying agent in the region where the security exchange is located for such Series.
The Securities will rank pari passu and without any preference among themselves and with each other Series of Debt Securities issued under the Indenture by reason of priority of date of issue or currency of payment or otherwise, and at least equally with all other present and future unsecured and unsubordinated External Indebtedness (as defined herein) of the Republic.
The Trustee shall notify the Holders of all Debt Securities eligible to participate in such a vote or consent solicitation of the methodology, as determined by the Modifications Calculation Agent by which the principal amount of each Series of Debt Securities eligible to participate in that vote or consent solicitation will be calculated.
Any Modification consented to or approved by the Holders of Debt Securities pursuant to this Article Eleven will be conclusive and binding on all Holders of the relevant Series of Debt Securities or all Holders of all Series of Debt Securities affected by a Cross-Series Modification, as the case may be, whether or not they have given such consent, and on all future Holders of those Debt Securities whether or not notation of such Modification is made upon the Debt Securities.
If at the time a vote is solicited pursuant to this Paragraph 22(c) separate Trustees have been appointed for these Bonds and any other Series of Debt Securities affected by that vote, the Trustee acting for the Series (or multiple Series, including for these Bonds) having the greatest aggregate principal amount of the Debt Securities then Outstanding affected by that vote will be responsible for administering the voting procedures contemplated by this Paragraph 22(c).
The Agents will not be responsible for determining the effect of any such amendment on the interests of the holders of any Series of Debt Securities.