Examples of Setback zone in a sentence
Deviation #2The second deviation request is from Section 58-909(1)b of the Code of Ordinances which requires properties located in Setback zone B to construct all new developments at the 10 foot build-to line.
Monument signs shall be: ⮚ Located within the landscaped Setback zone described above, no closer than 75’ to any other dealership identification sign, and no closer than 40’ to the common boundary between dealerships.
A Secondary Setback zone defines the additional area that may be impacted to 2100 with changes likely to accompany projected climate change.
The width of the Setback zone and other conditions for developments are defined by the High committee and finally the committee issues the related licenses to the investors.
Setback zone shall mean the required front yard area, and shall be determined to follow the parameters defined for Zone A, B, C, D, G in Section 102-849, “Building placement,” and Section 102-852, “Standards for building design,” and assigned according to Diagram 1 through 4 of this Division.