Settlor definition
Examples of Settlor in a sentence
For Revocable and Living Trust Accounts, the individual establishing the Trust (the "Settlor") must be a member of the Credit Union and, any withdrawal of Trust Account funds will be deemed a revocation of the Trust to the extent of any such withdrawal unless otherwise provided for in the Trust documentation.
If the Account Designation shows a payable on death status, any Beneficiary has rights to the Account: (a) if the Beneficiary is a natural person, only if the Beneficiary is alive and only if the Settlor is deceased; (b) if the Beneficiary is a charity or other non-profit organization, only if the charity or non-profit organization is in operation as a validly constituted, registered and/or licensed entity under applicable state law, and only if the Settlor is deceased.
The Settlor may change the Beneficiary at any time by providing Us adequate proof of such change in a manner acceptable to the Credit Union.