Examples of Share Group in a sentence
As the Contractor’s Tier 1 group of eXp Agents (Contractor’s direct sponsored agents) become sponsors themselves of more new eXp Agents, each new eXp Agent added to the Contractor’s Revenue Share Group can potentially expand and unlock the Contractor’s ability to earn more revenue share in two different ways: 1) eXpansion Share; and 2) eXponential Share.
Other Resources Planned to be Distributed00 SHARE DISTRIBUTION TABLE Share Group /Ŷ ĂĐĐŽƌĚĂŶĐĞ ǁŝƚŚ ƌƚŝĐůĞ ϭϯ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŝǀŝĚĞŶĚ ŽŵŵƵŶ2014 and included in the Weekly Bulletin of the Capital Markets Board(CMB) numbered 2014/2.
In lieu of any fractional interest in a share of Common Stock which would otherwise be deliverable upon the conversion of any Preferred Share, Group shall pay to the holder of such shares an amount in cash (computed to the nearest cent) equal to the Closing Price on the Trading Day next preceding the day of exchange multiplied by the fractional interest that otherwise would have been deliverable upon exchange of such share.
After additional discussion, Ms. Lynellen Ramirez summarized the Committee’s discussion, noting three credit approaches that the Committee still has interest in pursuing: the Indexed Market Share Group Range Methodology, Safety’s proposal to add a Merit Rating component, and no change to last year’s credits for the current year.
Loss)/Earnings Per Ordinary Share Group 3rd Quarter 9 months (Loss)/earnings per ordinary share on existing issued share capital is computed based on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the financial period of 150,387,866 (30 September 2014: 150,387,866).
The first exhibit included credit indications that indexed the Market Share Group Ranges by year, with varying minimum thresholds for credit eligibility, and resulted in a 13.5% decrease to potential credit eligible premium, and a 18.1% decrease to an credit eligible exposures, compared to the prior year.
Fair Share Group Limited cannot accept any responsibility for the structural suitability of any product that we furnish based on specifications that are provided to us by others.
No need to call, just show up.Prayer & Share Group – March 7, 14, 21, & 28at 9:45 AM in the Founders’ Room. GREECE ECUMENICAL GOOD SHELFThe GEFS was very pleased with Lakeview's 205 pounds of food for the month of January.
Share Group Registered/Beare rNominal Value of One Share (TL) Number of SharesTotal Nominal Value (TL)ARegistered1.0012.000.000,0012.000.000,00BBearer1.00103.000.000,00103.000.000,00TOTAL115.000.000,00 Partnership structure that forms the Capital as of 31.03.2013 is as follows.
Stephen Ministry CornerBeginning January 8, Grief Share Group, spon- sored by St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, will meet every Sunday ater the 9:30 Mass inClassroom 2 and will continue for twelve weeks.