Hardwood definition

Hardwood means any tree or tall shrub with broad leaves. Examples include alder, elderberry, big leaf maple, vine maple, madrone, cottonwood, cherry, and willow.
Hardwood means any tree or tall shrub with broad leaves. Examples include alder, elderberry, bigleaf maple, vine maple, madrone, cottonwood, cherry, and willow.
Hardwood means the wood of a deciduous broad-leafed tree. Examples of “hardwoods” include, but are not limited to, aspen, birch, and oak.

Examples of Hardwood in a sentence

  • Hardwood cut in conjunction with the project may not be removed from the state.

  • Hardwood cut in conjunction with the project may not be removed from the county of its origin.

  • Hardwood and Teakwood shall be the best wood locally available and should be well & properly seasoned of mature growth, free from worm holes, large loose or dead knots or other defects and will not suffer warping, splitting or other defects through improper handling.

  • Pine Sawtimber was estimated to an 8" top and Hardwood Sawtimber was estimated to a 10" top.

  • Hardwood flooring is manufactured at moisture content most compatible with a 35%-50% relative humidity range.

More Definitions of Hardwood

Hardwood means red oak, white oak, hard maple, ash or hickory, or material of equivalent structural integrity, free from loose knots, wind shakes or similar defects.
Hardwood means any tree or tall shrub with broad leaves. Examples include aspen, cottonwood, alder, elderberry, big leaf maple, vine maple and willow.
Hardwood as used herein means all members of the oak family, including Blackjack. Excluded from this classification are Pecan, Hickory (Smooth Bark and Scaled Bark), and Black Walnut.
Hardwood means trees belonging to the botanical group Angiospermae having broad leaves that shed annually;
Hardwood means the wood of a deciduous broad-leafed tree.
Hardwood means any tree or tall shrub with broad leaves. Examples include red alder, elderberry, bigleaf maple, vine maple, madrone, cottonwood, cherry spp., willow, paper birch, rhododendron, manzanita, ocean spray, and cascara.
Hardwood means Timber of those species, commonly referred to as “hardwood,” which are deciduous and have broad leaves (such as alder, maple and myrtle).