Short-barreled shotgun means a shotgun having one or more barrels less than eighteen inches in length and any weapon made from a shotgun by any means of modification if such modified weapon has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches.
Short Position means any short position (whether conditional or absolute and whether in the money or otherwise) including any short position under a derivative, any agreement to sell or any delivery obligation or right to require another person to purchase or take delivery.
Short-term acute care facility means a facility or Hospital that provides care to people with medical needs requiring short-term Hospital stay in an acute or critical setting such as for recovery following a surgery, care following sudden Sickness, Injury, or flare-up of a chronic Sickness.
Short-List means the list of Persons that the Department determines are the best highly qualified potential Design-Builders for the Project, based on an evaluation of the SOQs submitted by such Persons.
Short Sales means all “short sales” as defined in Rule 200 of Regulation SHO under the Exchange Act (but shall not be deemed to include locating and/or borrowing shares of Common Stock).
Accumulated Funding Deficiency as defined in Section 302 of ERISA.
Prohibited Transaction means any transaction set forth in Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code.
Critical Service Failure shall have the meaning given in paragraph 5.4 of the Order Form;
Significant break in coverage means a period of 63 consecutive days during each of which an individual does not have creditable coverage.
Start-up period means up to 7 Academy Financial Years and covers the period up to and including the first Academy Financial Year in which all age groups are present at the Academy (that is, all the pupil cohorts relevant to the age range of the Academy will have some pupils present).
High Quality Short-Term Debt Instrument means any instrument having a maturity at issuance of less than 366 days and which is rated in one of the highest two rating categories by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Agency (Moody’s and S&P).
Minimum Takedown Threshold shall have the meaning given in Section 2.1.4.
Recurring Transaction means a regular payment collected from your Card by an originator, in line with your instruction.
Significant deficiency means a shortcoming in the system that materially affects the ability of officials of the Department of Defense to rely upon information produced by the system that is needed for management purposes.
Short-Sale Loss means the loss resulting from the Assuming Institution’s agreement with the mortgagor to accept a payoff in an amount less than the balance due on the loan (including the costs of any cash incentives to borrower to agree to such sale or to maintain the property pending such sale), further provided, that each Short-Sale Loss shall be calculated in accordance with the form and methodology specified in Exhibits 2b(1)-(3).
Short-term suspension means any disciplinary action whereby a student is not permitted to attend school for a period not to exceed ten school days.
B-BBEE status level of contributor means the B-BBEE status of an entity in terms of a code of good practice on black economic empowerment, issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;
Excluded Downtime has the meaning set forth in Section 2 below.
Short-term means a period of one or less than one (1) year;
Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.
High Quality Short-Term Debt Instruments means any instrument that has a maturity at issuance of less that 366 days and that is rated in one of the two highest rating categories by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization.
Eviction Relief Period means the term of this Agreement.
Service Failure means a failure by the Contractor to provide the Services in accordance with any individual service level described above (measured on a monthly/quarterly/annual basis)
In-school suspension means an exclusion from regular classroom activity for no more than ten (10) consecutive school days, but not exclusion from school, provided such exclusion shall not extend beyond the end of the school year in which such in-school suspension was imposed. No student shall be placed on in-school suspension more than fifteen (15) times or a total of fifty (50) days in one (1) school year, whichever results in fewer days of exclusion.
Leak of UPSI means communication of information which is/deemed to be UPSI by any person, who is in possession of UPSI, to any other person, directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly or in any manner whatsoever, except for legitimate purposes, performance of duties or discharge of legal obligations.
Short-barreled rifle means a rifle having one or more barrels less than sixteen inches in length and any weapon made from a rifle by any means of modification if such modified weapon has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches.