Short Crude FIFO Price definition

Short Crude FIFO Price means, for any month, the price listed in the matrix on Schedule B hereto as the price applicable to a Short Crude FIFO Position.

Related to Short Crude FIFO Price

  • SAFE Price means the price per share equal to (x) the Valuation Cap divided by (y) the Fully Diluted Capitalization.

  • VWAP Minimum Price Threshold means, with respect to any particular VWAP Purchase Notice, the Sale Price on the VWAP Purchase Date equal to the greater of (i) 80% of the Closing Sale Price on the Business Day immediately preceding the VWAP Purchase Date or (ii) such higher price as set forth by the Company in the VWAP Purchase Notice.

  • ex-works price means the price paid for the product ex works to the manufacturer in the EU or in a SADC EPA State in whose undertaking the last working or processing is carried out, provided the price includes the value of all the materials used, minus any internal taxes paid which are, or may be, repaid when the product obtained is exported;

  • Supply Price has the meaning set forth in Section 6.2.

  • Minimum Sale Price means (i) with respect to a Receivable (x) that has become 60 to 210 days delinquent or (y) that has become greater than 210 days delinquent and with respect to which the related Financed Vehicle has been repossessed by the Servicer and has not yet been sold at auction, the greater of (A) 55% multiplied by the Principal Balance of such Receivable and (B) the product of the three month rolling average recovery rate (expressed as a percentage) for the Servicer in its liquidation of all receivables for which it acts as servicer, either pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise, multiplied by the Principal Balance of such Receivable or (ii) with respect to a Receivable (x) with respect to which the related Financed Vehicle has been repossessed by the Servicer and has been sold at auction and the Net Liquidation Proceeds for which have been deposited in the Collection Account, or (y) that has become greater than 210 days delinquent and with respect to which the related Financed Vehicle has not been repossessed by the Servicer despite the Servicer’s diligent efforts, consistent with its servicing obligations, to repossess the Financed Vehicle, $1.

  • Index Price on a given date shall mean the weighted average (weighted in accordance with the factors listed above) of the closing prices of the companies composing the Index Group.

  • Maximum Daily Quantity means the daily volume of Gas or Liquids, expressed in 103m3, identified in a Shipper's Interruptible Transportation Service Agreement that Transporter agrees to receive from Shipper under Toll Schedule Interruptible Full Path Service, Toll Schedule Interruptible Receipt Service or Toll Schedule Interruptible Delivery Service, as applicable.

  • Initial Price or “Initial Offer” means the price per Unit on the first day of the Initial Period determined by the Management Company.

  • Daily Contract Quantity or “DCQ” means the quantity of Gas as set out in Clause 4.1 herein.

  • Gross Sales Price with respect to each sale of Shares sold pursuant to this Agreement shall be the gross sales price per share of such Shares.

  • Initial Index Price means the sum of each per share closing price of the common stock of each company comprising the Index Group multiplied by the applicable weighting, as such prices are reported on the consolidated transactions reporting system for the market or exchange on which such common stock is principally traded, on the trading day immediately preceding the public announcement of the Agreement.

  • Threshold Price is the lowest price (except to the extent otherwise provided in Section 2.6) at which the Company may sell Shares during the applicable Pricing Period as set forth in a Fixed Request Notice (not taking into account the applicable percentage discount during such Pricing Period determined in accordance with Section 2.2); provided, however, that at no time shall the Threshold Price be lower than $3.00 per share unless the Company and the Investor mutually shall agree.

  • Average Wholesale Price or “AWP” means the wholesale price charged on a specific commodity that is assigned by the drug manufacturer and is listed in a nationally-recognized drug pricing file.

  • Catalog price means a price included in a catalog, price list, schedule, or other form that is regularly maintained by the manufacturer or vendor, is either published or otherwise available for inspection by customers, and states prices at which sales are currently, or were last, made to a significant number of buyers constituting the general public; and