Sign Board definition
Examples of Sign Board in a sentence
The complete agenda is posted at the Little Suamico Post Office, Building Blocks Day Care, and at the Sign Board on the Town Hall.
In the event of Total Loss, We will pay You the Replacement Cost of the lost or damaged Sign Board as on Date of Loss less due allowance for betterment and depreciation for age, usage and condition.
Sign Board to display consultants name and contact number as per specification.
Sum Insured on Replacement Value Basis shall not be less than the cost of replacement as if such Sign Board(s) were replaced on the first day of Policy Period which shall mean the cost of replacement of the Sign Board by a new Sign Board in a condition equal to but not better or more extensive than its condition when new.
We shall pay You the Actual Repair Cost of the damage and the Cost of Replacing or Reinstating the damaged parts of the Sign Board with parts of same kind or type but not superior to or more extensive than the parts when new as on date of loss less due allowance for betterment and depreciation for age, usage and condition.
In the event of Total Loss, We will pay You the Replacement Cost of the damaged Sign Board as on the Date of Loss i.e. the replacement value will be for a new Sign Board of same kind, capacity and specification excluding any allowance for betterment.
The Sign Board shall be circle of size 60 centimeter diameter having white background and red border and the numerals shall be in black colour as per IRC 67-2001 (1st revision).
Newspaper The Internet Sign Board Rental List Referral Office Other (specify)WindowB.
We shall pay You the Actual Repair Cost of the damage and the Cost of Replacing or Reinstating the damaged parts of the Sign Board with parts of same kind or type but not superior to or more extensive than the parts when new as on date of loss.
The Sum Insured opted by You at Inception or Renewal shall be as per one of the following basis mentioned in Your Policy Schedule:a) Market Value BasisSum Insured on Market Value Basis shall represent the cost of replacement on the first day of Policy Period of similar Sign Board less depreciation for age, usage and condition.