Examples of Single Delivery in a sentence
It should be noted that the Local Service Board (public sector partners in Powys) has agreed to form a project board to take forward the preparation of a "Single Delivery Plan" that will combine 4 existing plans; the three identified in table 1 and the Community Safety Plan.
Delivery of the Performance Narrative Report is either Incremental Delivery or Single Delivery.
The delivery vehicle detailing ‘how’ we will deliver this vision and the priorities is the new Single Delivery Plan.
The stakeholders have submitted that the rebate given to Domestic 11kV CGHS Single Delivery Point Connection holder at 15% should be enhanced to at least 30% so that the tariff for consumers getting supply at higher voltages is lower than that for lower voltages thus providing benefit to the HT consumers.
The Single Delivery Unit of NHS Tayside currently provides a service to Tayside and North East Fife - a population of half a million.
Through this we will play to our strengths, build our self confidence and develop our reputation whilst drawing investment and talent into the city (e.g. “The Peterborough Model”, Environment Capital Single Delivery Plan).
The District has been designated as a Single Delivery Area for purposes of WIA.The state established a written policy and pro- cedure that set forth criteria to be used by chief elected officials for the appointment of local work- force investment board members.
The District has been designated as a Single Delivery Area (SDA) for purposes of WIA.The state established procedures for determining initial and subsequent eligibility of training provid- ers.WIA Sections• 112(b)(17) (A)(iii), 122, 134(d)(4)• 20 CFR 663.515, 663.535Include a link or copy of the policy.
The District has been designated as a Single Delivery Area (SGA) for purposes of WIA.For Dislocated Worker funding formulas, the state’s policy and procedure includes the data used and weights assigned.
In addition the values base for the profession underpinning Delivering Care, Enabling Health (SEHD 2006)2 and endorsed by the Single Delivery Unit and the 3 CHPs fully supports a culturally competent workforce committed to a more integrated approach to service delivery.