Single Policy definition
Examples of Single Policy in a sentence
Part I: A Single Policy Task,” American Economic Review, 97(1): 169–179.
If at least two policies are not issued by the same company, then the Single Policy Draft option must be used.*The Multiple Policy draft is not available for Employee Adjustable Life, Seven Year Term, Annuities, or Variable Products.
For Single Policy Risks (a) The modification applies for the full term of: (i) The policy beginning on that date, or(ii) Any other policy beginning up to three months after that date.
The “Publishing” Setting can be applied either to specific policies or chapter pages in one of two ways:1) At the individual policy level, which allows you set the publishing setting for a single policy or chapter page, or 2) using the “Set Publishing Setting Utility”, which allows you to set the publishing setting for multiple polices and/or chapter pages at once.Setting the Publishing Setting for a Single Policy or Chapter Page 1.
In support of services outlined in this SLA, the Service Provider will classify and respond to service related incidents and/or requests submitted by customers within the following time frames: High Priority 4 Hours Medium Priority 48 Hours Low Priority 5 Working days Remote desktop assistance may be provided if our technician deems it necessary and in-line with the the priority of the support request.
C MEMBERSHIPC1 General Conditions of MembershipC1.1 Policy CategoriesCUA Health may from time to time offer the following Policy categories:• Single Policy - Only one Adult• Single Parent Policy – Two or more people (only one of whom is an Adult the rest of whom are Dependant Children)• Family Policy, incorporating the following insured groups:o 2 Adults (and no-one else);o 2 or more people, none of whom is an Adult;o 3 or more people, only 2 of whom are Adults.
Notwithstanding this expectation, the Regional Strategic Body strives to facilitate further efficiency gain through regional initiatives such as those described below.During academic year 2018/19, the region launched the Single Policy Environment Project, to create a policy framework for FE that all partners delivering further education could buy into, thereby reducing duplication of effort in policy development, equalities impact assessment and policy review.
A UHI Single Policy Environment Project Manager has been appointed for the UHI partnership to work through a schedule of single policies.
Under the Display tab you can choose whether to view the Full Spine or a Single Policy by checking the appropriate box.
Name of your plan : <<Product Name>> Policy Number : <Policy Number> Mobile Number : <Mobile Number> Email ID : <Email ID>Person insured in this policy: <Name of Life Assured>Sum Assured (Insurance Cover Amount (in`) : <Amount>Premium Amount (in `) : <Amount> Premium Paying Option: <Single> Policy Term : <Policy Term> years Policy end date: <Date of Maturity> In case of any discrepancies in the above details please inform us immediately.