Single Policy definition

Single Policy means a Policy comprising the Policy Holder only.
Single Policy means an OSHC Policy where the only OSHC Insured Person is the OSHC Policy Holder.
Single Policy. – means a policy covering a member without dependants.

Examples of Single Policy in a sentence

  • Part I: A Single Policy Task,” American Economic Review, 97(1): 169–179.

  • If at least two policies are not issued by the same company, then the Single Policy Draft option must be used.*The Multiple Policy draft is not available for Employee Adjustable Life, Seven Year Term, Annuities, or Variable Products.

  • For Single Policy Risks (a) The modification applies for the full term of: (i) The policy beginning on that date, or(ii) Any other policy beginning up to three months after that date.

  • The “Publishing” Setting can be applied either to specific policies or chapter pages in one of two ways:1) At the individual policy level, which allows you set the publishing setting for a single policy or chapter page, or 2) using the “Set Publishing Setting Utility”, which allows you to set the publishing setting for multiple polices and/or chapter pages at once.Setting the Publishing Setting for a Single Policy or Chapter Page 1.

  • In support of services outlined in this SLA, the Service Provider will classify and respond to service related incidents and/or requests submitted by customers within the following time frames: High Priority 4 Hours Medium Priority 48 Hours Low Priority 5 Working days Remote desktop assistance may be provided if our technician deems it necessary and in-line with the the priority of the support request.

  • C MEMBERSHIPC1 General Conditions of MembershipC1.1 Policy CategoriesCUA Health may from time to time offer the following Policy categories:• Single Policy - Only one Adult• Single Parent Policy – Two or more people (only one of whom is an Adult the rest of whom are Dependant Children)• Family Policy, incorporating the following insured groups:o 2 Adults (and no-one else);o 2 or more people, none of whom is an Adult;o 3 or more people, only 2 of whom are Adults.

  • Notwithstanding this expectation, the Regional Strategic Body strives to facilitate further efficiency gain through regional initiatives such as those described below.During academic year 2018/19, the region launched the Single Policy Environment Project, to create a policy framework for FE that all partners delivering further education could buy into, thereby reducing duplication of effort in policy development, equalities impact assessment and policy review.

  • A UHI Single Policy Environment Project Manager has been appointed for the UHI partnership to work through a schedule of single policies.

  • Under the Display tab you can choose whether to view the Full Spine or a Single Policy by checking the appropriate box.

  • Name of your plan : <<Product Name>> Policy Number : <Policy Number> Mobile Number : <Mobile Number> Email ID : <Email ID>Person insured in this policy: <Name of Life Assured>Sum Assured (Insurance Cover Amount (in`) : <Amount>Premium Amount (in `) : <Amount> Premium Paying Option: <Single> Policy Term : <Policy Term> years Policy end date: <Date of Maturity> In case of any discrepancies in the above details please inform us immediately.

More Definitions of Single Policy

Single Policy means a Policy where the only Insured Person is the Policy Holder.
Single Policy means a Policy comprising the Policyholder only.

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