Site Characteristics definition
Examples of Site Characteristics in a sentence
Site Characteristics: Allow characteristics of sites to inform the design, especially where the street grid and topography create unusually shaped lots that can add distinction to the building massing.CS2-B-2.
This transmittal letter is in a document package (ADAMS Accession No. ML130880226), which includes part one of SHINE’s application, consisting of portions of the PSAR, specifically Chapter 2, Site Characteristics and Chapter 19, Environmental Report (ER).
Any information that may have been furnished to Tenant by Landlord or others about the mechanical, electrical, structural, plumbing or geological (including soil and sub-soil) characteristics of the Building or Project (hereinafter referred to as the “Site Characteristics”) are for Tenant’s convenience only, and Landlord does not represent or warrant that the Site Characteristics are accurate, complete or correct or that the Site Characteristics are as indicated.
Summary of Site Characteristics Notes: bgs = Below ground surface mg/kg = Milligram per kilogram a The beginning or end point of the carbon range identified as “n-Cx” represents an alkane marker consisting of “x” carbon atoms on a gas chromatogram.b Because of soil conditions encountered in the Fuel Farm Area, the sampling depth intervals could not be accurately determined.
Existing Zoning: Single Detached Dwelling Districts (RS-1) Proposed Zoning: Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and Residential Medium Density (RM) Site Characteristics: Existing lot: Frontage: 38.5 ft.
Physical Site Characteristics The site provides adequate contiguous space for ISBL and OSBL units, loading and unloading railcars, SIT yard, and temporary construction laydown areas, and could accommodate the movement of people and equipment between the construction site, offices, laydown areas, and parking areas.
A detailed description of the geophysical location and technology used is provided in the Technology and Site Characteristics description at the beginning of this chapter.
The conceptual site model (which should be presented in the Summary of Site Characteristics section of the ROD) will be used to support the presentation of site risks.
DOE Savannah River Sitedemonstration site Site Characteristics Naval Air Station North Island, Coronado, California Previous investigations have identified two primary geologic units at NAS North Island: an upper well-graded sand to silty sand underlain by a poorly graded sand to silty sand.
Part One consisted primarily of Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) Chapter 2 (Site Characteristics), PSAR Chapter 19 (Environmental Review), and financial and general information.