Slope Structures definition

Slope Structures means all slopes, slope treatment works, earth retaining structures, retaining walls and other related structures (if any) within or outside the Land and the Development as required by the Government Grant to be maintained by the Owners;
Slope Structures means all slopes, slope treatment works, earth retaining structures, retaining walls and other related structures within or outside the Land and the Development to be maintained by the Owners and for identification purpose only shown coloured Red on the slope plan certified by the Authorized Person and annexed hereto;
Slope Structures means all slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls and other structures (if any) within or outside the said land or the Estate as required to be maintained by the Owners under the said lease;

Examples of Slope Structures in a sentence

  • To maintain and carry out at their own expense all works in respect of any and all Slope Structures as required by the Land Grant and in accordance with the Geotechnical Guidelines and the Slope Maintenance Manuals.

  • To inspect, keep and maintain in good and substantial repair and condition and carry out all necessary works in respect of the Slope Structures in compliance with the conditions of the Land Grant and in accordance with the Geotechnical Guidelines, the Slope Maintenance Manuals and all guidelines issued from time to time by the appropriate Government departments regarding the maintenance of the Slope Structures and to employ suitably qualified personnel for that purpose.

  • Notwithstanding anything in this Deed, the Manager shall not be under any personal liability to carry out any works (including those relating to the Slope Structures, which shall remain the responsibility of the Owners) if, having used all reasonable endeavours, the Manager has not been able to collect the costs of the required works from the Owners.

  • Notwithstanding anything in this Deed, the Manager shall not be under any liability to carry out any works (including those relating to the Slope Structures, which shall remain the responsibility of the Owners) if, having used all reasonable endeavours, the Manager has not been able to collect the costs of the required works from the Owners.

  • The Owners shall at their own expenses maintain and carry out all works in respect of the Slope Structures as required by the said lease and in accordance with the Slope Maintenance Guidelines and the Slope Maintenance Manual.

More Definitions of Slope Structures

Slope Structures mean the slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls or other structures within or outside the Lot and the Development (if any) which are required to be maintained and carried out by the Owners under the Conditions and in accordance with the “Geoguide 5 – Guide to Slope Maintenance” issued by the Geotechnical Engineering Office (as amended or substituted from time to time) and the Slope Maintenance Manual;
Slope Structures means all slopes, slopes treatment works, retaining walls and other structures within or outside the Land to be maintained by the grantee (and its successors and assigns) under the Land Grant as shown for identification purposes only indigo stippled black on the Slope Plan;
Slope Structures means all slopes, slope treatment works, [retaining walls,] and other structures (if any) within or outside the said land or the Estate which are required to be maintained by the Owners under the said lease and which are shown coloured green on the slope feature layout plan certified by the Authorized Person as to the inclusion of all the Slope Structures and annexed hereto;
Slope Structures means all slopes, slopes treatment works, retaining walls and other structures within or outside the Land, to be maintained by the “Purchaser” (and its successors and assigns) under the Land Grant as shown for identification purposes only hatched black on the Slope Plan;
Slope Structures means all slopes, slope treatment works, retaining wall, catch pits, sand traps, U-channels, stepped channels, pipes and other structures (if any) within the said land or the Estate which are required to be maintained by the Owners under the said lease (if any);
Slope Structures means all slopes, slope treatment works, earth retaining structures, retaining walls, and other related structures within or outside the Land and the Development and including the Green Hatched Black Area, as required by the Government Grant or this Deed or any Sub-Deed to be repaired, maintained by the Owners and are for the purpose of identification only shown and coloured grey on the Slopes Structures Plans nos. A/DMC/30, A/DMC/31 and A/DMC/32 annexed to this Deed, and the accuracy of which is at the scale of not less than 1:500 and is certified by or on behalf of the Authorized Person, and it includes all the slope structures existing as at the date of this Deed;
Slope Structures means all slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls, soldier pile walls and other structures (if any) within or outside the said land or the Estate as required to be maintained by the Owners under the said lease (if any) which, for identification purpose only, are shown coloured green on pages 15 and 16 of the plan(s) annexed hereto;