Small Business Participation Pilot Program definition

Small Business Participation Pilot Program. (“SBPPP”) means small businesses certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firm by ConnDOT; or firms certified as a Small Business Enterprise or Minority Business Enterprise by the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services; or firms certified by the United States Small Business Administration (USSBA) as an 8(a) or SDB or HUBZone firm; or firms that are a current active recipient of a United States Small Business Administration Loan (loan must be documented).
Small Business Participation Pilot Program means small businesses certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firm by the Connecticut Department of Transportation; or firms certified as a Small Business Enterprise or Minority Business Enterprise by the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services; or firms certified by the United States Small Business Administration (USBA) as an 8(a) or SDB or HUBZone firm; or firms that are a current active recipient of a United States Small Business Administration Loan (loan must be documented).

Examples of Small Business Participation Pilot Program in a sentence

  • Each Project shall be reviewed by the Department’s Screening Committee which assigns the appropriate Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal, Small Business Enterprise (SBE) goal or Small Business Participation Pilot Program (SBPPP) goal.

  • A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Small Business Enterprise (SBE) or Small Business Participation Pilot Program (SBPPP) participation goal is established for each consultant contract.

  • The Contracting Engineer shall comply with this provision in accordance with the “Special Provisions Small Business Participation Pilot Program SBPPP as Subcontractors and Material Suppliers or Manufacturers”, as set forth in Exhibit A, Schedule 11 (attached herewith) dated May 12, 2010.

Related to Small Business Participation Pilot Program

  • Eligible small business means a business entity that, at the time

  • Emerging small business means a small business concern whose size is no greater than 50 percent of the numerical size standard for the NAICS code designated.

  • Small Business Enterprise (SBE) means a business that is certified as an SBE under this program or the following similar programs and meeting the below economic thresholds (Section III “Economic Size Standards”).

  • Education program means any program that is principally engaged in the provision of education, including, but not limited to, early childhood education, elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, special education, job training, career and technical education, and adult education, and any program that is administered by an educational agency or institution.

  • Cooperative education program means a written voluntary agreement between and among districts to provide certain educational programs for pupils in certain groups of districts. The written agreement shall be approved by all affected districts at least annually and shall specify the educational programs to be provided and the estimated number of pupils from each district who will participate in the educational programs.

  • Small business means a business that is a continuing, independent, for profit business which performs a commercially useful function with residence in Tennessee and has total gross receipts of no more than ten million dollars ($10,000,000) averaged over a three-year period or employs no more than ninety-nine (99) persons on a full-time basis.

  • Utilization plan means a form and additional documentation included in all bids or proposals that demonstrates a vendor’s proposed utilization of vendors certified by the Business Enterprise Program to meet the targeted goal. The Utilization Plan shall demonstrate that the Vendor has either: (1) met the entire contract goal or (2) requested a full or partial waiver and made Good Faith Efforts towards meeting the goal.

  • Small business firm means a small business concern as defined at section 2 of Pub. L. 85-536 (15 U.S.C. 632) and implementing regulations of the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. For the purpose of this clause, the size standards for small business concerns involved in Government procurement and subcontracting at 13 CFR 121.3-8 and 13 CFR 121.3-12, respectively, will be used.

  • Small Business Enterprise means a for profit small business concern that is at least fifty one percent (51%) owned by one (1) or more individual(s) who are economically disadvantaged. “Economically Disadvantaged Individual” is defined in Appendix B-1, Definitions, in Notice of Requirements for Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program.

  • HUBZone small business concern means a small business concern that appears on the List of Qualified HUBZone Small Business Concerns maintained by the Small Business Administration.

  • Approved abuse education training program means a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the department of public health or a training program offered by a hospital, a professional organization for physicians, or the department of human services, the department of education, an area education agency, a school district, the Iowa law enforcement academy, an Iowa college or university, or a similar state agency.

  • Specific contract participation goals means the goals as stipulated in the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001. In addition to above-mentioned goals, the Regulations [12. (1)] also make provision for organs of State to give particular consideration to procuring locally manufactured products.

  • Alternative education program means a school or separate class group designed to best serve students’ educational needs and interests and assist students in achieving the academic standards of the district and the state.

  • Individualized Education Program (IEP means a written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with Sections 300.320 through 300.324 of 34 CFR.

  • Prescription monitoring program “PMP,” or “program” means the program established pursuant to 657—Chapter 37 for the collection and maintenance of PMP information and for the provision of PMP information to authorized individuals.

  • Individualized education program or “IEP” means a written statement for a child with a disability as defined in 14 DE Admin. Code 922.

  • Small business concern means a concern, including its affiliates, that is independently owned and operated, not dominant in the field of operation in which it is bidding on Government contracts, and qualified as a small business under the criteria in 13 CFR Part 121 and size standards in this solicitation.

  • Veteran-owned small business concern means a small business concern—

  • Distance education means education imparted by combination of any two or more means of communication, viz. broadcasting, telecasting, correspondence courses, seminars, contact programmes and any other such methodology;

  • Veteran-owned Small Business Enterprise (VSBE) means A business that is verified by the Center for Verification and Evaluation (CVE) of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as a veteran-owned small business. See Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 21.11.13.

  • Participating Retail Health Clinic means a Retail Health Clinic which has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Women-owned small business concern means a small business concern-

  • Paycheck Protection Program means loan program created by Section 1102 of the CARES Act.

  • Loan Program means the State Treasurer’s Interest-Free Loan Program for Colorado School Districts authorized pursuant to the Loan Program Statutes.

  • Basic health plan model plan means a health plan as required in RCW 70.47.060(2)(e).

  • Participating Clinical Laboratory means a Clinical Laboratory which has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.