SO GL definition

SO GL means the System Operation Guideline (Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation);

Examples of SO GL in a sentence

  • The goal of the SO GL is the safeguarding of operational security, frequency quality and the efficient use of the interconnected system and resources.

  • Roles and responsibilities of the control capability providing TSO, the control capability receiving TSO and the affected TSO for the sharing of FRR and RR according to Article 118(1)(v) SO GL (mandatory) In accordance with Article 166(1) of SO GL, all TSOs of the Synchronous Area CE hereby define the roles and responsibilities of the Control Capability Providing TSO, the Control Capability Receiving TSO and the Affected TSO for sharing FRR/RR.

  • The calculation of the parameters shall be based on a suitable dimensioning methodology according to Article 157 of the SO GL.

  • All TSOs involved in an exchange or sharing of FCR between Synchronous Areas shall ensure that the active-power response of the Reserve Transfer HVDC Links fulfils at least the FCR technical minimum requirements (as defined in Article 154 of the SO GL) of both Synchronous Areas.

  • All TSOs involved in the Exchange of FCR shall agree in a FCR Exchange Agreement upon their roles and responsibilities according to Article 173(5) and 126 of the SO GL.

  • The exchange of FCR invokes a transfer of the FCR obligation from the Reserve Receiving TSO to the Reserve Connecting TSO for the considered Reserve Capacity on FCR according to Article 173 (3) of the SO GL.

  • The sub-group or Working-group for Reporting together with ENTSO-E Secretariat shall design the process necessary to ensure the availability of information according to Articles 183 to 190 SO GL.

  • Process Activation Structure The Process Activation Structure of the synchronous area CE according to Article 140 of the SO GL includes mandatory processes: the Frequency Containment Process (FCP); the Frequency Restoration Process (FRP) and the Time Control Process.

  • Sharing of FCR between Synchronous Areas In accordance with Article 118(1)(x) of the SO GL all TSOs of the Synchronous Area CE hereby establish the limits on the amount of sharing of FCR between synchronous areas.

  • Technical design of the Frequency coupling Process according to article 172(2) SO GL (MANDATORY) All TSOs of each Synchronous Area jointly define three classes of frequency services, namely FCR Exchange, Frequency Netting and Frequency Optimisation.

Related to SO GL

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  • Class I renewable energy means electric energy produced from

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  • CPN is as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 64.1600(c).

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  • SOFR means a rate equal to the secured overnight financing rate as administered by the SOFR Administrator.

  • Distribution Company means a distribution company as defined in Section 1 of Chapter 164 of the Massachusetts General Laws.3

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  • Natural gas company ’ means a person engaged in the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce, or the sale in inter- state commerce of such gas for resale.

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  • IMRO means the Irish Music Rights Organisation CLG.

  • Community Contribution Company means a corporation formed under the laws of British Columbia that includes in its articles the following statement:

  • Renewable Energy Source means an energy source that is not fossil carbon-based, non- renewable or radioactive, and may include solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, or wave, tidal and thermal ocean technologies, and includes a Certified Renewable Energy Source.

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  • MECAB refers to the Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing document prepared by the Billing Committee of the Ordering and Billing Forum “OBF”, which functions under the auspices of the Carrier Liaison Committee “CLC of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions “ATIS”. The MECAB document, published by ATIS as ATIS/OBF- MECAB- Issue 6, February 1998, contains the recommended guidelines for the billing of access services provided to an IXC by two or more LECs, or by one LEC in two or more states within a single LATA.