Examples of Social host in a sentence
Social host laws hold hosts (including tenants, landowners and landlords) liable for costs associated with responding to disruptive parties that typically include underage drinking.
Social host ordinances rest on the definition of the “host”, the individual who provides the location for the party.
Social host liability for minors and underage drunk-driving accidents.
Social host laws hold adult hosts accountable by allowing police to issue misdemeanor citations with fines attached to any adult who permits underage drinking in their home or on their property.⮚ Current Georgia laws only hold accountable an individual that gives an underage person alcohol if theyknow that they will be driving.⮚ 35 States have adopted Social Host Laws including our contiguous states.
Auto Insurance ◼ Social host liability, the legal term for the criminal and civil responsibility of a person who furnishes liquor to a guest, can have a serious impact on party throwers.