Examples of Soil mottling in a sentence
Soil mottling (redoximorphic features)—a soil color pattern consisting of patches of different colors or shades of color interspersed with the dominant soil color which results from prolonged saturation of the soil.
Soil mottling (redoximorphic features), seasonal high water table elevation, apparent water table elevation, and apparent source of water (localized lenses, regional water table, or irrigation- induced water table).
Soil mottling, winter water studies, and other available resources are used to determine the highest seasonal water table.
Soil mottling (sometimes a banded mixture of gray iron depleted soil and brownish-red iron-rich soils) is one indicator of a periodically high-water table level.
Soil mottling observed during the site evaluation by a qualified professional may be used to determine the seasonal high groundwater level.
Soil mottling (redoximorphic features)—An obsolete term referring to a soil color pattern consisting of patches of different colors or shades of color interspersed with the dominant soil color which results from prolonged saturation of the soil.
Soil mottling (redoximorphic features) is not necessarily an indicator of the regional high water table, but is an indication of soil saturation.
Soil mottling is described in terms of abundance, size, contrast, boundary (with soil matrix), and colour (FAO 2006).
Soil mottling may indicate the presence of a sea- sonal high water table.
Soil mottling indicative of ESHGW was observed in test pits SH-TP-102, SH-TP-302, SH-TP-303, SH-TP-307, SH-TP-410 and SH-TP-503 through SH-TP-506 in the lowland sand and gravel terrace between approximately 4 feet to 7 feet bgs (between approximately El. 211 to 215.3 feet).