Soil survey definition
Examples of Soil survey in a sentence
Soil survey means a field and other in- vestigation, resulting in a map showing the geographic distribution of different kinds of soils and an accompanying re- port that describes, classifies, and in- terprets such soils for use.
Soil survey informa- tion is reviewed on a periodic basis to ensure that the information continues to meet evolving needs.
Soil survey informa- tion is disseminated to the public through electronically accessible maps and reports, electronic access to data files, or printed documents.
Soil that has a high shrink/swell hazard is identified in Soil survey data available through SDM (for GIS users) and WSS.
Soil survey data available through Soil Data Mart (SDM) (for GIS users) and Web Soil Survey (WSS) give corrosion potentials for steel and concrete for soil map units.