Conveyance system definition

Conveyance system means that portion of a drain sys- tem that consists of a series of pipes that transport water from one area to another without providing detention.
Conveyance system means the drainage facilities and features, both natural and constructed, that collect, contain and provide for the flow of surface and stormwater from the highest points on the land down to a receiving waterprovide for the collection and transport of surface water or stormwater runoff. The natural elements of the conveyance system include swales and small drainage courses, streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands. The constructed elements of the conveyance system include gutters, ditches, pipes, catch basins, channels and most flow control and water quality treatment facilities. (Ord. O2011‐304 § 1 (Att. A))
Conveyance system means the sewer conveyance system owned by CRW and formerly operated by the City, and currently owned and operated by CRW, including the conveyances which receive both wastewater and stormwater runoff from residential, commercial and industrial and combined sewage sources. The Conveyance System includes pump stations, interceptor sewers, force main, combined sewer outfalls and associated regulators.

Examples of Conveyance system in a sentence

  • Installations starting from the sources provided in the "Main Conveyance" system extending to individual services throughout the District in the form of main or lateral extensions, to provide the customers with water service.

  • The design stormwater flow and pollutant load for these pocket wetlands is primarily from the drainage areas that enter the system at and above the confluence with the channel at the Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance system.

  • Conveyance system means that portion of the municipal separate storm sewer system designed or used for conveying stormwater.

  • Conveyance system improvements include the Calloway Canal-to-Lerdo Canal Intertie Project, the Cross Valley Canal-to-Calloway Canal Intertie, and Calloway Canal lining (CWD 2015).

  • The first option would outlet the Manning ponds east into the 40 Street Conveyance system, in accordance with the Area Master Plan and currently approved drainage concepts.

More Definitions of Conveyance system

Conveyance system means the drainage facilities and features, both natural and constructed, that collect, contain and provide for the flow of surface and stormwater from the highest points on the land down to receiving water. The natural elements of the conveyance system include swales and small drainage courses, streams, lakes and wetlands. The constructed elements of the conveyance system include gutters, ditches, pipes, channels, manholes, catchbasins, and flow control and water quality treatment facilities. (Ord. 13‐09 § 2 (Exh. 1))
Conveyance system means a device or practice such as a swale, pipe, or ditch that is designed specifically to pass the stormwater from one place to another. A conveyance system does not include a practice designed for post-construction stormwater management, i.e. infiltration basin, infiltration trench, infiltration swale, bioretention basin, rain garden, or wet detention basin.
Conveyance system means a method designed to move material from one facility or operation to another facility or operation on the same site. Examples of a conveyance system include, but are not limited to, conveyor belts, pipes, tubes, and heavy equipment, such as a front-end loader.
Conveyance system means the system of piping and other equipment required to convey Landfill Gas, condensate and compressed air from the City Installed Collection System and the Gas Producer Installed Collection Systems to either the Temporary Power Generation Facility or the Cogeneration Facility, and Landfill Gas to the North City pipeline compressor station (identified in the Scope of Work), all such piping and other equipment to be installed by the Gas Producer, identified more particularly in the Scope of Work for the Gas Agreement.
Conveyance system means the system which is owned and operated by the Conveyance Licensee and which consists (wholly or mainly) of electric lines and electric plant and which is used for conveying electricity from a generating station to a substation, from one generating station to another or from one substation to another (but shall not include any such lines which form part of the supply system);
Conveyance system means the drainage facilities and features, both natural
Conveyance system means any apparatus connected to the facility used to transport any material in liquid, gaseous or solid form in bulk between two locations;