Examples of Sole Beneficial Owner in a sentence
The word Masungudota was coined by the project to denote the masculine form of Masungukate.
The Initial Owner shall notify the Issuer and the Swap Counterparty immediately upon it ceasing to be the Sole Beneficial Owner.
The Issuer, the Swap Calculation Agent and the Swap Counterparty shall be entitled to assume that the Initial Owner is the Sole Beneficial Owner until such time as they are notified to the contrary by the Initial Owner.
To the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, the Sole Beneficial Owner and its ultimate beneficial owner(s) are third parties independent of Aptus and CVG and their respective connected persons (as defined in the GEM Listing Rules).
Aptus undertook to the Sole Beneficial Owner that when the Redemption Amount is Available for Redemption, it will be applied to redeem the Bond(s).
Aptus agreed in favour of the Sole Beneficial Owner that it would use its best efforts to convert the Redemption Amount into HK$ in freely disposable cleared funds in Hong Kong as soon as possible.
Aptus and CVG hereby announce that Aptus has executed a deed of waiver dated 19 October 2009 (“Deed of Waiver”) in favour of the Sole Beneficial Owner and the Bondholder after trading hours on the date of this announcement in relation to the further arrangements for the Redemption.
Aptus and CVG announce that Aptus and the Sole Beneficial Owner have entered into a deed of undertaking dated 16 November 2009 (the “November Deed”) after trading hours on the date of this announcement.
The Third Amendment Deed and the November Deed are to implement further arrangement between Aptus and the Sole Beneficial Owner in relation to the redemption of the Bond(s) taking into account the logistics and timing of the availability of the Redemption Amount.
Councilman Sante explained various scenarios for qualifying and situations where income changes.