Examples of Source Balancing Authority in a sentence
Each Source Balancing Authority and each source Reserve Sharing Group will have dated documentation that demonstrates it maintained an amount of additional Operating Reserves identified in Requirement R1, greater than or equal to the amount and type of that identified in Requirement 4, for the entire period of the transaction.
Sets and IndexVset of n nodes (vertices)iorigin nodejdestination nodeAset of arcs arc (i, j)Parameterscijcost (distance) matrix associated with each arc (i, j) Є Amrobot located at the depot 1Lmaximum number of nodes a robot may visitKminimum number of nodes a robot must visitDecision Variablesxij1 if arc (i, j) is in the optimal solution 0 otherwise uinumber of nodes visited on that robot path from the origin up to node i• 1 ≤ ui ≤ L for all i ≥ 2• if xi1 = 1, then K ≤ ui ≤ LTable 4.
Each Source Balancing Authority and each source Reserve Sharing Group shall maintain an amount of Operating Reserve, in addition to the minimum Contingency Reserve amounts identified in Requirement R1, equal to the amount and type of Operating Reserves for any Operating Reserve transactions for which it is the Source Balancing Authority or source Reserve Sharing Group.
Market Participant will compensate the Source Balancing Authority for the reasonable implementation and operations related costs borne by the Source Balancing Authority as a result of this Agreement unless the Market Participant and Source Balancing Authority agree to a different cost arrangement, which shall be filed with the Commission in a non-conforming agreement.
If the Source Balancing Authority does not designate the Interchange Transaction as part of its Contingency Reserve, the Sink Balancing Authority is not required to carry any additional Contingency Reserves under this Requirement.
R1.2. If the Source Balancing Authority designates an Interchange Transaction(s) as part of its Non-Spinning Contingency Reserve, the Sink Balancing Authority shall carry an amount of additional Non-Spinning Contingency Reserve equal to the Interchange Transaction(s).
A Balancing Authority involved in an Interchange Transaction other than the Source Balancing Authority and Sink Balancing Authority.Existing Definition: A Balancing Authority Area that has connecting facilities in the Scheduling Path between the Sending Balancing Authority Area and Receiving Balancing Authority Area and operating agreements that establish the conditions for the use of such facilities.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Sink Balancing Authority will not be taking title to any energy delivered from the Facility to the Pseudo-Tie Point for the account of the Source Balancing Authority.
Each Sink Balancing Authority shall confirm that none of the following conditions exist prior to transitioning an Arranged Interchange to Confirmed Interchange: • It is a Reliability Adjustment Arranged Interchange, the time period specified in Attachment 1, Column B has elapsed, and the Source Balancing Authority or the Sink Balancing Authority associated with the Arranged Interchange has not communicated its approval of the transition.
Each of these requirements is addressed in turn below.Requirement R3 Part 3.1 Reliability Standard INT-006-4 Requirement R3 requires that the Source Balancing Authority and the Sink Balancing Authority receiving a Reliability Adjustment Arranged Interchange approve or deny it prior to the expiration of time provided in Attachment 1, Column B to the standard.