Source Separated Organics definition

Source Separated Organics means organic material that has been separated from non- compostable material at the point of generation, including but not limited to yard trimmings, food residuals, vegetative materials, woody materials, and compostable products.
Source Separated Organics means organic material including, but not limited to, food residuals, food processing residuals, and compostable paper that has been separated from non-compostable material.
Source Separated Organics means organic material that has been separated at the point of generation including, but not limited to, food scraps, food processing waste, soiled or unrecyclable paper, and yard trimmings. Source-separated organics do not include industrial waste, animal mortalities or parts, biosolids, sludge, septage, or other waste with significant pathogen content.

Examples of Source Separated Organics in a sentence

  • Yard waste shall be managed in accordance with the Operations Plan, the facility’s Source- Separated Organics Processing Facility Registration, and Rule 62-701.320, F.A.C. [ref.

  • The City’s Operational Contact will be responsible for distribution of this information to the responsible staff at facilities which have been documented to have contaminated Recycling and Source Separated Organics Containers.

  • Source Separated Organics: Once per week collection (unchanged from Phase 2).

  • The green bins for the Source Separated Organics program will, at launch time, be provided a no cost to the resident.

  • After experiencing the SSO program for almost a year, residents will know that putrid or “yucky” wastes – typically characterized by food wastes, soiled paper products, pet waste and personal care products, are collected weekly with the Source Separated Organics program.

More Definitions of Source Separated Organics

Source Separated Organics. (S.S.O.) means any Refuse that is listed in Schedule 'A' of this by-law under Source Separated Organics or in Schedule "B" as an SSO Accepted Item be contained in a certified compostable bag collection. This includes any other refuse so designated by the Director or designated municipal official from time to time
Source Separated Organics. (SSO): (Also referred to as organics.”) Food waste, non-recyclable paper and other compostable household organic materials that are source separated for recovery. The term SSO does not include yard waste for purposes of this contract.
Source Separated Organics means organic waste that has been separated from other waste under a program operated by or for a municipality;
Source Separated Organics means the organic fraction of municipal solid waste, that has been accumulated and pre-sorted by residential or industrial, commercial, and institutional generators, and collected separately from hazardous waste material and non-compostable material;
Source Separated Organics means organic material, consisting of compostable materials such as leaves, garden waste, grass clippings, food waste, organic kitchen scraps, or other material as may be designated from time to time by the Corporation. This material is sorted from other waste material streams and collected separately from garbage or blue box recycling. It also applies to waste that is separated from other waste material streams before being disposed of at landfill sites, or other waste disposal methods. A list of materials in contained in Schedule D, which can change from time to time.
Source Separated Organics. (SSO) means all kitchen waste inclusive of vegetable and fruit peelings, coffee grounds, pet waste, house plants, egg shells, pasta, breads, tea bags, diapers, sanitary and incontinent products, meat and fish products inclusive of skins and fat all leftover or outdated fresh, frozen, dried or cooked foods as listed in Schedule 'B' of this By-law.
Source Separated Organics. (SSO) means household organic wastes such as fruit, vegetable scraps, paper towels, meat and bones, food waste, etc., excluding yard waste.