South African Court definition
Examples of South African Court in a sentence
The Client specifically consents to the jurisdiction of a competent South African Court (see Clause 19.6) to adjudicate any legal proceeding(s) emanating from the Rental Agreement.
The South African Court has held that a time charterer is the owner of the bunkers aboard a chartered vessel and that it is accordingly possible for a creditor of the charterer to attach the bunkers in order to enforce his or her claim.
However the South African courts have differed and I take the point made by your advocate, and Stefan Terblanche similarly makes the point in this book, that we, the South African Court have not gone into the merit of the matter.
The Contract of Sale between the Customer and Columbus, including the Conditions, shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa and any dispute arising out of or concerning any order or Contract of Sale shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa, in a South African Court having jurisdiction .
If the individuals described above fail to resolve the dispute within a period of 30 days after it has been referred to them, either Party will be entitled to refer the dispute for adjudication by a competent South African Court, unless the Parties agree to resolve such dispute by arbitration in terms of a separate arbitration agreement between the Parties.
Here, the Compromise Creditors emphatically supported the Arrangement, which the South African Court then sanctioned.
Should the arbitration proceedings per paragraph above remain unresolved the matter will be referred to a South African Court with relevant jurisdiction.
Non-current liabilities as at 31 December 2019 amounted to RMB11.24 billion (31 December 2018: RMB10.79 billion).
The South African Court graphically compared the effect of sodomy laws to the laws of the apartheid era the country had just escaped: “Just as apartheid legislation rendered the lives of couples in different racial groups perpetually at risk, the sodomy offense builds insecurity and vulnerability into the daily lives of gay men.” Id.International and foreign bodies have also recognized that sodomy laws generate widespread discrimination against gays and lesbians in other areas of life.
Unlike a scheme of arrangement in the United Kingdom, where a court proceeding is first filed and a court order convening a creditors meeting to vote on the proposed scheme is obtained, a Section 155 proceeding permits the company to send notice and a description of the proposed arrangement to affected creditors, conduct the creditors meeting and obtain a creditor vote, and only then if the required votes are obtained, file a proceeding in the South African Court.