Soybean Varieties definition

Soybean Varieties means varieties of Soybeans having modified traits produced or generated by GM or non-GM means and developed, created, or otherwise acquired by or on behalf of the Company.

Examples of Soybean Varieties in a sentence

  • Genetically Engineered (GE) Soybean Varieties by State and United States, 2000-2009 Supplemental Table 4.

  • Graef, Agronomy and HorticultureTechnology: Soybean Varieties UO6-301151, U06-301158, U06-630051, and U07-202096.

  • The main role of the lead objector is to coordinate the evidence given on behalf of the group, and to act as a contact-point for the group in relation to practical arrangements.

  • Soybean Varieties: Varieties of Soybeans having Modified Traits produced or generated by means of genetic modification or mutagenesis of Soybeans conducted by or on behalf of the LLC, including without limitation pursuant to the Services Agreement.

  • Piveta, T.M Penka, S.B. Abugho, C.E. Rouse, L.E. Estorninos, Jr., and R.C. Scott 100Crop Response of Edamame Soybean Varieties to Foliar and Soil-Applied HerbicidesS.B.E. Abugho, N.R. Burgos, V.

  • The determination of whether Information and Inventions are conceived, discovered, developed, or otherwise made by a Party for the purpose of allocating proprietary rights (including Patent, copyright or other intellectual property rights) therein, shall, for purposes of this Agreement, be made in accordance with Applicable Law in the United States as such law exists as of the Effective Date irrespective of where such conception, discovery, development or making occurs.

  • Estimated Processing Value and Revenue of 52 Different Soybean Varieties, Thomas County Irrigated Trialprotein, oil, fiber, and moisture content from Kansas State University irrigated soybean variety trials in Colby, Kansas (unpublished data).

  • See, e.g., RER0423 (discussing Dow’s Enlist™ seed system); ER1259 (similar, citing USDA, Final Environmental Impact Statement for 2,4-D-Resistant Corn and Soybean Varieties).

  • Retrieved from Dow AgroSciences Petitions for determination of nonregulated status for 2, 4-D-Resistant Corn and Soybean Varieties.

  • The day often starts with breakfast or fika (gathering for coffee).

Related to Soybean Varieties

  • Grain ’ means wheat, corn, flaxseed, grain sorghum, barley, oats, rye, soybeans, other dry edible beans, or rice;

  • Crops means any growing vegetative matter used for an agricultural purpose, including forage for grazing and domesticated animals.

  • Crop means industrial hemp grown under a single registration.

  • Veterinarian means a veterinarian authorized by law to practice veterinary medicine in this State.

  • cattle means bovine animals, including bison and buffalo;

  • Biomass means the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from biological origin from agriculture (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries including fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste;

  • Cannabis means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa Linnaeus, Cannabis indica, or Cannabis ruderalis, whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin, whether crude or purified, extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds, or resin. “Cannabis” also means the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from cannabis. “Cannabis” does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination. For the purpose of this division, “cannabis” does not mean “industrial hemp” as defined by Section 11018.5 of the Health and Safety Code.

  • Harvest means the act of removing a marine species with the intention of not returning it to the water.

  • Distillery means any establishment where spirituous liquors are manufactured.

  • Feed means feed as defined in point (4) of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002;

  • Ethanol means a high octane gasoline blend stock that is used to make various grades of gasoline.

  • Plant means the machinery and apparatus intended to form or forming part of the Works.

  • STEM means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

  • Mine means to carry on an operation with a view to, or for the purpose of—

  • Gasification means the substoichiometric oxidation or steam reformation of a substance to produce a gaseous mixture containing two or more of the following: (i) oxides of carbon; (ii) methane; and (iii) hydrogen;