Spanish Pesetas definition
Examples of Spanish Pesetas in a sentence
Sales from these operations are typically denominated in local currencies including Euros, Dutch Guilders, British Pounds, German Marks, French Francs, Argentine Pesos and Spanish Pesetas thereby creating exposures to changes in exchange rates.
The forward exchange contract requires the Company to exchange Spanish Pesetas for U.S. Dollars at maturity, at rates agreed to at the inception of the contract.
In addition, if the exchange rate for Spanish Pesetas into U.S. Dollars becomes less than 125 Pesetas to the Dollar, Jafra will take reasonable and customary steps to eliminate any further economic loss to you resulting from such change in exchange rates.
At such time as the tuition payments for your children shall cease, the cost of the retirement program shall continue to be borne by Ionpure, up to a maximum of 280,000 Spanish Pesetas plus annual adjustments for inflation commencing February 1993.
Following are the capital and operating finance plans for proposed retail services at the Golden Glades MMF for development and operation of retail space which is both an independent commercial structure and which is included as commercial space within a parking garage.
As a consequence, the distributions of both CRT scores and groups are significantly different across gender (Mann-Whitney U9It is standard practice, for all experiments ran at LaTEx, to use Spanish Pesetas as experi- mental currency.
During the fourth quarter, the company declared the distribution of a gross interim dividend for the year 2000 of 0.089 Euro (or its equivalent amount in Spanish Pesetas) per Class A share and 0.001 Euro (or its equivalent amount in Spanish Pesetas) per Class B share, payable as of 25 January 2001 onwards.
It has been your election for 1992 to receive your annual base compensation split as follows: French Francs (569,616); Spanish Pesetas (3,704,241).
Monthly Consumption per property*The Spanish Pesetas was replaced by the Euro in 2002 at an exchange rate of 166.4 pesetas to 1 Euro.
However, since 1992 the base currency has been Spanish Pesetas, in accordance with a Commission decision, and the Budget and Contributions Tables that are transmitted to the Contracting Parties are all prepared in Pesetas.