Game birds definition
Examples of Game birds in a sentence
Crop residues with a high C:N ratio, e.g. rice and wheat straw, could induce a microbial demand for N, and benefit from N supplied by N fixing bacteria (Aldén et al., 2001).
Game birds include pheasant, partridge and grouse, all making extensive use of these areas for feeding and nesting grounds.
Game birds Domesticated fowl such as pheasants, partridge, quail, grouse, and guineas, but not doves and pigeons.
Game birds possessed by Game Bird Field Trial and Training License holders are typically housed in boxes at the site where the event or training will take place and the requirements for transporting an animal humanely are addressed under R12-4-428 (Captivity Standards).The Commission proposes to amend the rule to remove the requirement that a Game Bird License holder have their facility inspected by a veterinarian at least once every year.
Game birds include pheasant, sharp tail grouse, Hungarian partridge, and a few ducks.