Examples of Special Appropriation in a sentence
GRANTEE will complete and submit to the CITY Grant Manager the signed Final Special Appropriation Progress Report, using Attachment C, no later than thirty (30) days after the grant termination date.
In addition, MDE will continue to coordinate with other Federal and State financial assistance programs (e.g., USDA Rural Utilities Service, Community Development Block Grant, Federal Special Appropriation grants) that provide approximately $15 million/year for water/sewerage system improvements in Maryland.
Therefore, considering practicality of situation, GRIDCO has proposed pass through of repayment of principal under Special Appropriation.
Another example is the aviation fuel excise tax, which is earmarked under the Aviation Fuel Revenues (Special Appropriation) Act 1988 to fund the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
Among numerous others that might be cited are these:Matt 1:19: Being (űv) righteous and not desiring (0c2mv) to publicly expose her, Joseph decided to put Mary away privately.
Special Appropriation shall mean an appropriation of funds not previously included in the approved Annual Town Budget.
If you have any questions, please contact Janet Kasper, Director, Assistance Agreement Audits, at (312) 886-3059 or at the email address above.Purpose The Office of Inspector General is reviewing Special Appropriation Act Project (SAAP) grants to identify issues warranting further analysis.
OPTCL has not proposed any Special Appropriation for the FY 2014-15.
For the FY 2013-14 GRIDCO has proposed Special Appropriation of Rs.1768.51 crore under the following heads:- Rs. In CroreState Govt.
The Government allocated R819 million to Mango via its parent company, SAA, in terms of the Special Appropriation Act, to implement its business rescue plan.